render8's Forum Posts

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  • Thanks for letting me know. I thought maybe I was just losing my mind looking all over the page and it would've been right in front of me. Kinda sucks especially when there's something you want to look for and have to sift through almost 16,000 games lol.

  • You're pointing me to the game assets for sale. I'm talking about the actual scirra arcade for playing peoples uploaded games, in the community tab at the top, not the store tab. Thanks though.

  • I didn't know if this was directly related to Construct 3, so forgive me if I posted in the wrong place. Simple question though and maybe I'm just dumb and blind, but is there a way to search in the Construct Arcade by a specific name? I see there's sorting/filtering options but I couldn't find a search input. Seems like it would be a handy feature rather than having to resort to Google. Thanks!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hey everyone. Figured I may as well make my first first post by introducing myself. Just got a year subscription to C3 and have to say the experience has been fairly nice.

    I'm a long time Clickteam Fusion user. About 6 years on and off. Being a full time parent and working full time doesn't always allow me the time I would like to have for game development, so I wouldn't consider myself a master in it.

    I was on the fence about getting the subscription only because I wasn't sure how much different C3 would be compared to what I've been using up to this point but so far, I'm really impressed. Getting into C3 was pretty painless only because the programs are so similar with being event driven, but I have to say Constructs overall feel is more organized to be honest. I have to say I absolutely love the layouts for building levels in. No more using arrays to build levels and loading back in like I was in Fusion. Just build it and go with Construct.

    It's still early in my subscription so we'll see how the next year goes, but so far I'm good.

    Well anyhow, hello to everyone!

  • 4 posts