Thanks for the other links, I voted for some. (First one was mine).
On tile created wouldn't be used for every single tile, just specific ones. So ideally it wouldn't affect performance too much. Unless that check would increase performance usage? Like I detailed on the page, it'd be great for animated tiles, multi-layered objects, and spawning other sheets with tilemaps. It's pretty cumbersome switching back and forth between workflows so to be able to do this would increase tilemap usability a lot.
This is what I mean by dark/light background view in tilemap view. It already exists in the animation editor. If you have an image with the same color as the background it's impossible to see.
A couple of reasons to crop images. Some things like tiled images can have tearing if the sprites don't have white space. Removing transparent edges (past a 1x border) would reduce the image size and improve memory / performance usage. It shouldn't break anything image points and hotspots shouldn't be changed. Tile BGs and tilemaps would have to be excluded from the crop.