redfoc's Forum Posts

  • since worker mode can't access root variable regularly, is there any way to access external variable and functions ?

    Example: I want to insert ""

    Then access it's API function through Construct plugin

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  • How to do alert(message) on plugin code ?

  • let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; = "url('"+image_url+"')";

    How to achieve that with plugin SDK ?

  • there is a new setting for use interactive elements on hidden layers or not.

    Thanks, I will find out about hidden layers setting

  • I been request this feature a few times (Don't click invisible sprites), but there is a reason why this can't be implemented.

    All Construct project that use hidden touch will be broken, I know is bad.

    I have an idea, what if there is a Touch plugin properties to "Ignore invisible object"? also is good to add Touch plugin option to only click/execute front object.

    And make these properties disable by default, so, older project will not be affected.

    I also using several js game framework, these framework ignoring clicking on invisible object, it's very clear and straight forward.

    Why this important for me:

    - Mostly I grouped / families all buttons, and make button clicking effect and play button sound with families. if hidden object is clickable, effect and sound still played.

    - If I have multiple hidden layer that have a bunch of buttons (and some reused buttons), It's will be a lot of work to create an identifier or condition.

    - "Is visible" object is return true on hidden layer

    I like to create a efficient, less code/event and less duplicated events

  • Even if the layer is hidden the button still has Visible condition set to yes.

    Changes to this would break many projects.

    Just add a "Is layer XXX visible"-condition to the button event and you are all fine.

    Who using invisible object on a invisible layer to click ?

  • Hi,

    I love Construct, I can make some type of games quickly.

    But there are some weird things that make it complicated that should be easy.

    One of them is an object on a invisible layer detected as visible object and clickable

    If I have many buttons on a some invisible layers like pause, gameover, completed and other game popups it will be a lot of work.

    Should be fixed with single event

    "Buttons on clicked && Buttons is visible" { do something }

    Edit: I mean sprite as button

  • What browser are you using? I noticed the website lags a lot with Firefox. But I use Edge now and it runs a lot better.

    I use Chrome

  • If you put the flat sprites/billboards on their own layer on top, with the 3D boxes on a lower layer, does that help?

    It's works, thank you!

  • Hi,

    Is there any way to fix this issue ?

  • Hi,

    Both 2 box use default configuration, how to make all object look like what it shown in the editor ?

    Edit: Wrong shape is putted on a Layer that use 2D rendering mode, so I move it back to 3D layer to fix it

  • This is a scary issues, I save almost all of my Construct project on LocalStorage, since it's easy to access from Construct editor, I don't have any serious issue with it since the beginning of Construct 3.

    Recent projects is also empty

    Open and save localstorage options are missing on my Editor

    I update Construct 2 days ago, when there are a update prompt.

    Today I just realize that all of my projects is missing, it's a lot of works

    Where or how I can bring back all of my projects that stored in localstorage ?


    All installed plugins also gone

    I remember 2 days ago I clear a cache for "Last hour" in Chrome browser to see a game changes, but I don't know it also wipe out all Construct project

  • Construct's auto-updater does skip the cache to make sure it gets a fresh update. However if the server itself still serves old files, it will not see an update. That is up to the configuration of your server though, and is outside Construct's control.

    There's more information in the tutorial Offline games in Construct.

    Thanks for the explanation

  • I been using Construct for a long time, and making dozens of games with it

    But I still don't know how to update a web game (exported)

    The old version still shown when I already override the HTML5 files (cache not updated), even the game version is increased.

    I can fix it by clear browser cache for "last 1 hour", but other players that already play the game still play the old version.

    Is there any configuration to override cache ? so I dont need to clear browser cache to see a changes

  • By default the runtime is hosted in a Web Worker.

    Use self or globalThis to access the global scope instead. Those work in all environments, and window only works specifically in the DOM and nowhere else.

    Got it Ashley , I have another problem, I can't set / prototype a key into global scope.

    Ex: globalThis.window["test"] = 123;

    It will return error, test not defined, however in normal javascript it's work fine