recksbayne's Forum Posts

  • I need to know how to do this also

  • Hello everyone!

    I've been trying to make a countdown that stays constant through-out every layout switch and even when you leave the game. For example: a countdown that needs to wait 25 minutes before giving you an extra life. Right now I'm using the "Time Manager" plugin, I've managed to make the timer go down and then you gain a life but as soon as you leave the layout the timer resets.

    Thanks for the help!

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  • Hello everyone!

    So I've been working on a game where the visuals have a pixel art retro style, which means that my best option for scaling is Letterbox Integer Mode right? The thing is I can't get it to be truly full screen since there's a navigation bar on android. I didn't seem to find an option to hide it in Construct 2 and when I tried to subtract it's dimension to my projects dimension it still couldn't go full screen.

    I'm not sure how to solve this, I don't care if the nav-bar is visible or not I just want my game to be full screen with it being pixel perfect.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hey guys,

    Recently I added a physics behaviour to my project and when I test launch it in chrome I get this error:


    Once I close the error window the game runs fine but obviously there's something going wacky with my project. I wasn't sure if I should post this in "Bugs" since I don't think it's actually a Construct 2 bug.

    Thanks for the help!

  • After many many hours of trying to figure this out I finally found something that works... It's far from perfect but it works so unless anyone has found a better solution this is what I'm going with. Thank you soooo much for the help! I wouldn't of been able to succeed without it.


  • I wanted to avoid onScreen controls, personally I think simulating a controller on a touch screen isn't really convenient, thanks for the suggestion though!

  • Thanks for the quick feedback guys!

    But unfortunately it still isn't behaving the way I would want it to...

    FragFather your example was awesome and I tried to tweak it for it to do exactly what I wanted it to do, here's the tweaked event sheet:


    Basically what I want it to do is to be able to click somewhere without holding down the mouse button and the character gets there on his own, but what actually happens is he goes left by default and I have to hold down the mouse button for him to actually start going the way I want him to, after that when he reaches his destination he spazzes out without actually settling. Also it's cool what you did with the cursor but my tilemap has height variations so it wasn't really functional with what I was trying to do...

    A0Nasser I downloaded the MoveTo behaviour but I couldn't get my character to stick to the ground, if I clicked too high he'd jump up trying to reach where I clicked and on slopes he'd just act weird and choppy. I'll definitely use MoveTo for something else though! Super handy!

    Sorry I'm very needy, but the support so far is great so please help me get this right!


  • The game I'm working on is a platformer, ideally what I wanted to do was being able to touch somewhere on the screen and have my avatar run towards the point that I've touched. I've ran into more than a few issues with this, enough to make a forum post about it out of desperation... Since it's a platformer, I couldn't find an efficient way to make it happen with 8-Directional movements or the Bullet behaviour since it still has to interact with my tileset.

    So basically, touch/click and have the avatar move towards that point, with the animations still functioning and such.

    BONUS POINTS: Have a cursor show up where I've touched and have it a static distance from the tiles on the Y-Axis no matter where you touch.