RBuster's Forum Posts

  • I need to show a traveled route in the same way that an odometer shows: 0000, 0001 ... 9999. I intend to vinculate it to time (e.g. 0.5 sec per unity). I don't know hot to include the leading zeros. Any help?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Nice article, bilgekaan

    Could you tell me more about your partnership with the SilGames?

  • chartboost > cli 5.1.1 > add plugin via plugin manager

    Google Analytics > never tested

    Appodeal > Cli 5.1.1 > official plugin for android , for ios not yet supported


    Could you tell me the way were you followed to publish your app with chartboost using XDK and CLI 5? I tried several times and always get error. I inserted the cranberrie's plugin through plugin manager as you said. Maybe you used another version of this plugin or something else that I don't know. I really appreciate any help about it.

    Thanks in advance

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  • I'm also interested in this subject.

  • Hey RenatoB hi.

    There is also the flash behavior and dont forget the lite tween behavior from lunarray (it is more powerful than the sine behavior for sure) but i think for a pulse effect the sine behavior will work fine.



  • Very nice, it's exactly what i need. I always use sine for movements, but just it.

  • Interesting. But this effect can affect the performance?

    And about lerp? Is a good option to a continuous animation? If yes, how can I create a mechanism using lerp? (I know that I need to use something like this: lerp(Self.Opacity, 0, 5 * dt) / lerp(Self.Opacity, 100, 5 * dt) , but I don't know how can I loop it)

  • I need to create a pulse effect that change the opacity to more and less, smooth and continually. I thought to use a fade behaviour or create the animation frames (it's not a problem for me), but before I wonder if there is another solution and which one is better.

  • I understood now. Thank you.

  • I need to move the sprite2, when it collide with the sprite with the turn variable = 1, to the same position of sprite that has the turn variable =2. In the event 6 I thought that I'm checking if the sprite has a variable with value 1.

  • I need to change the sprite position to another position that has a specific variable value. I built a simple example.

    *** I would like something as I coded.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/e739plthcxues ... .capx?dl=0

  • korbaach

    A last doubt about this solution: is it possible to append informations instead create a new file? So, when the player loads the set, he can choose by name/id or a random set.

    Thanks in advance.

  • I found the problem: incompatibility with others cranberries plugins. I had to remove the phonegapscreenorientation and use only chartboost or revmob. I think that will solve your problem also, since you want use revmob too. My problem now is to lock the screen in landscape mode.

  • RenatoB that's weird, are you building for ios or android?

    For both. But now I'm trying to build for iOS.

  • Thanks tavi

    Can I make changes in Xcode (icons/splash screen/orientations/etc)? Important: Can I include ads and other cordova plugins directly in Xcode?

    Edited: I don't know how to run iOS in phone gap (3. "phonegap run iOS"). I found an app, but only to preview it. Any clue?