raster's Forum Posts

  • Wooh! This is my relaxation project. I found this alot easier to build and am actually enjoying it a whole lot more because of less complexity. Anyway, I decided to work on a fish survival simulator. I hope to later have different fish to choose from (unlockable), different scenarios for each (different predators and different ways to survive). Right now I have the clownfish. In the next update I hope to have Anemone that he can hide in and a hud, as well as a hunger/food system.

    This version contains the maneuverable fish, wave effects, particles, and a test food source (not interactive yet). Be careful near the edge of the screen as there are no boundaries yet.


    Added distance sensitivity to Touch steering which should avoid any further fish "seizures". Thanks shirokuma .

    Change the steering mechanic to Touch.

    Mirror added.

    Click on the image to try it out.

    And the dropbox mirror below:

  • I love it! One small niggle though, the ball almost never follows the red line.. it always fires just a little to the right, making it frustrating when I target something specifically and miss.

  • Nice! I always wanted to make one of these but never figured out how to go about it. Looks great though!

  • So far I have a large portion of the battle GUI up and running, along with timed message events. I actually have ALOT more done in gamemaker, but I'm remaking it in Construct from the ground up as I feel Construct to be a better platform. The game will feature Mythical creatures (most of which are found in legend). Your character will forge Bonds with them, allowing them to be called during combat. He'll have a gauntlet with gems in it that power his summons.

    Click the image below to test it out:

    Ultimately I plan to allow messaging, trading AND battling through the net.

    I'm working on this program as well as my RPG (the Realm of Shadows) and a jewel-match type game I'll announce the WIP for soon.

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  • lol Well, I don't know if I would call it a work of art, but thank you very much for the compliment! The next thing I need to figure out is how to push variables to the clay.io account for storage and then retrieve them later. Then I'll be able to set up all sorts of cool things.

  • Hmmm. I just tried to log in and it says that there are two peers, attempts a connection and then times out saying I was either kicked or the Host left. Then there are no peers.

  • Unfortunately, no. I wasn't even aware of the competition and I don't think I could flesh this out as much as it deserves in time for the deadline. Thanks for letting me know about it!

  • Hey all! Working on an RPG I plan to integrate with facebook and clay.io. Only the menu system functions right now, and even that's not complete. Thought I would share it though and get any thoughts you might have.

    Some of the imagery (such as the main menu background) are not my copyright though, so they will change soon.

    As of right now I am working on a Region select screen where you can choose which region of the world your character comes from and what race they are.

    Click on the image below to go to the test site:

  • Actually, it runs pretty smooth for me... I do have a problem,though. It refuses to charge with my Middle Mouse button. May I suggest using a different key? Like Space?


    Had my wife try it. MMB doesn't function for her either and we could not connect though it counted the amount of peers correctly. Chat did not function either.

  • 1: Alright I'll try that and get back to you. Thanks for the input!

    2: You're absolutely right. That was the way it was set up originally. It's only there as a remnant of code from where I was trying to figure out what was going wrong. I'll remove it immediately.

  • If you are using global variables you can access them later at any time, including in game AND they will save if you ever use the built in Save function (System>Save). If you create a button (possibly "Start Game") and set an event on click to "go to layout" and choose your main game layout, your global variables carry over.

    I've only been using Construct for the past 3 days...so a more experienced designer may have better information. LOL

    You could also potentially use WebStorage for this, pretty much storing the data in the users browser cache, I would share the link for the documentation for it but Apparently I can't share a link to Scirra's own documentation yet.

    With mine, I'm trying to save this sort of information online via a plugin for Clay.io. (Still trying to figure it out.)

  • Make a layout and name it Chara_Gen. Make sure it is loaded BEFORE your main game.

    Set each group of customizable items in their own sprite above your ragdoll. (Such as spr_hair for hair)

    Find the window that says "Animation Frames".

    Right click and choose Add Frames.

    Select each different resource (brown buzzcut, blonde mohawk, etc..) and import them as Frames.

    Create a button or drop down list for each Sprite.

    In the event window:

    Make a global variable for each custom resource (hair,beard,gloves,etc..)

    Create an "on layout start" event, then set the animation speed to 0 for each sprite.

    Create an event upon the appropriate gui interaction that increases or decreases the corresponding variable by 1.

    Create an event "On tick" then set the Frame for each sprite to the right variable. (spr_hair would be have the frame set to var_hair)

    EDIT: I'm working on this same sort of thing myself, this is the system I used. Good luck!

  • Heya all! I seem to be having a problem. I have a layout called World and every 5-10 seconds it's supposed to goto a layout called Battle.

    This works fine. When I click a button labeled "Flee" it's supposed to return to "World". Unfortunately it's just re-initializing combat.

    I use the variable init_combat to detect when combat should be fired and I reset it to 0 before switching layouts. Debugging shows it DOES change, but it's still consistently sending me back to Battle.

    In the event sheet for World:

    in the event sheet for Battle