ranma's Forum Posts

  • what about "send text/value to ip:port" and "on text/value received"? Then you'd have to have a server with ip database only.

  • i did just now, didn't know i have to log in to the wiki separately, sorry for trouble

  • wait, are jpegs loaded from external files to sprite frames also decompressed and sent to the graphic card? if so, I have four backgrounds in external jpegs about 2048x2048 loaded to tiled background object, do I have a problem?

  • touche...

    I will shut my mouth now...

  • and what if you could compress sprites using jpeg compression? it would consume less vram (my explosion would weigh about 100KB then - no vram problem) and with additive blending effect there is no need for alpha channel. i think some (a lot maybe) users would find this useful, and with proper use would make games much smaller in size. please please pretty please

  • i'd like to contribute

    username "sugart" w/o quotes.

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  • so today I decided to test, if it's worth a while to prepare your graphics before importing them to construct. i had a 40 frame explosion in 480x480 avi (with alpha channel), so I decided to cut it to PNG frames and imported this animation to blank directx game. exported to exe, and bang, 4,67 MB (fair enough, uncompressed avi is 25MB). But, as the explosion was supposed to have a additive filter, I came up with an idea. as additive mode treats everything black as transparent, whi do I need alpha channel, also because the explosion is mostly white-red, I reduced the number of colors to 256 and reexported every frame of the animation to GIF files without transparency (with black matte). After importing the animation to a new blank game and exporting it to exe, file was 4,27 MB, which is a little less compared to the PNG app. I tried to further compress the exe with winrar and the PNG app after compression is 3,72 MB and the GIF one is 2,39 MB. That's not all, the 40 PNG files I imported weigh 2,84 MB (only gifs) and GIFs - 752 KB (yes, KB!). That's the short history of my GIF explosion... can someone explain what just happened? why 752kb grows up to 4,27 MB (minus the blank directx game code and a sprite object code - which is 809 KB - when saved a blank game with a blank sprite to exe). maybe (as construct is beginning it's journey to 1.0 and the big plan is to stabilize it from 0.90) you (scirra - hi guys! ;) should think of a better graphics compression in the runtime? some time ago I was suggesting a jpeg compression (it would really make things smaller - it's the only situation we want that to happen I suppose). thanks for your attention ang have a great day. construct4life! ;)

  • it is more intuitive for random to return values between 1 and random's argument in brackets. ie. for random(2) the "2" argument tells that it is the maximum number returned by the random function. but as you say it'll break a lot of things, i personally prefer the old fashioned 1+random(2)

  • maybe the game was too much for his PC and rendered only 36 frames per camera's full circle, you know that feeling?

    jokes aside, you didn't understand the guy, he did a print screen on a space ship from the game and made 36 rotaded frames for his own creation.

  • This is now fixed for the next build, don't worry about submitting a bug if you haven't already. But next time, just submit bugs directly to the tracker!

    yes sir, I will sir, sorry sir!

  • posted it under the below link, seems to be the destroy afterwards in the fade behavior bug and it's connected somehow with the set animation action.

  • Hello,

    I used to think it's a bug in "set animation" action, now i'm almost certain it's the destroy afterwards in the fade behavior that's causing the problem. Check the attached file, it should crash when the "shot" object has finished fading, but when you remove the "destroy afterwards" in the fade behavior and add it as a event (on fade finished, shot: destroy) it seems to work fine.

    edit: forgot to mention it's somehow connected to the "Set animation" action, because if you delete the "Set animation" action, the "destroy afterwards" works fine also. strange.

    Thank you for your attention and have a nice day. Also you rock!

  • Hold alt and press crop.


    ok, now sprites' "set animation" doesn't work

  • just a little idea, can you make a hotkey for cropping (also would be great to have hotkeys for next / previous frame in animations) image in image editor, I have a animation, 320x240, about 100 frames, and i decided to crop every frame, so... well... ...click, click, click, click......

    (also a little funny thing: New angle, in degrees 0 - 360; 0 degrees == 360 degrees, so maybe 0 - 359 or 1 - 360; inb4 why xbox360 is called 360 - just a thought)

    love ya guys!

  • Ahh, translation error.

    You can fix it by opening 'layer-properties.txt' in languages\english, etc, and changing:

    zoomy-rate=Zoom Y


    zoomy-rate=Zoom Y Rate

    I love you it worked... well for a second... when changing the zoom y rate (now properly displayed) construct gives an error "Error: Broken property 'Zoom Y Rate' - please notify scirra of this bug!"