RandomOutput's Forum Posts

  • If you want the game to remember the enemies are dead but not to die, you can use Web storage to make note of which are suppose to be dead, and get construct 2 to check if the two variables match up, if they don't then don't spawn the enemies, if they do then spawn them. However if you want all the enemies to re spawn if they quit and re load ( MMO Style ) Then Warville's solution is perfect.

  • Fonduede, explained what I was getting at perfectly, just remember that your initial apply impulse at angle option needs to be opposite to the direction you wish it to go ( you kick a football on the opposite side (the force applied) and it goes forwards )

  • This was done really quick so it would need cleaning up and implementing better but it gets the point across. Create an array object ( in my case i called it Player_Positsion, Yes I spelt it wrong haha told you I did it quickly ) with a width of 2. Next we tell the array to store the location of the players current animations image point 0 ( you could also use Player.X + Player.Y, you dont need to use the image point ) Then after storing the values we get the game to put the player back where he was the first time he touched the object. Hope this helps.

  • Ok thanks for the info Tom

  • Ah yes there it is! Brilliant, thanks so much! Although now my app just runs a black screen on my device, the joys of game dev ey! Anyhow I'll stop spamming your thread now ^_^! Hope more people view your game.

  • I've just started using the Intel XDK so will keep an eye out for it, thank you. And keep it up all the same look forward to your future projects.

  • blackhornet Thanks, I use the steam version and it does not always tell me when its been update Thank you for this.

  • Hi all, not sure if its just me or not but the option to export to cocoon js is not showing up in my export options? Is anyone else having this issue?

  • You could use an array to store the players X and Y position at time of death then as puntodamar said, using a wait function that is only triggered once , once the player dies, would spawn them back at the stored array position?

  • Hey Tom, not sure if this is the place to post but as you can buy construct 2 from the asset store, a quick question, if you buy the steam version ( which I have ) is there anyway to have the stand alone version as well? I only ask just in case steam ever decides not to run ha!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I had another check ( refreshed and booted up a few times ) and your right it does not appear that any of those adds appear, so good thinking Ah that's a shame about the sounds, but if this is your first game I cant wait to see how you progress on your next few releases, keep it up! As a side note, how easy did you find signing the zip file for google play? Seems every solution I've found is a 20 step process haha!

  • Ah I see, sorry I thought you just meant the menu not appearing. I've never tried the close browser command myself, I will take a look tonight and see if it does the same for me.

  • I would suggest making your own exit menu and get the back button to spawn that and then get it to close when they tap/click/press yes?

  • Hi fldr, Its a fun little game and executed well, the idea concept is solid for building memory, and the little faces on the fruit is cute and appealing, with some fun little sounds to go along with the tapping of the fruit you have a solid little game. There are a few things however if you dont mind me giving some constructive crit? First off in the description it says its for kids, I'm not sure how a parent would feel having adverts on a game aimed at such a young audience, as the Adds would be targeted towards the adults phone. Not always Kid friendly. Also as soon as you launch the game a full screen add pops up, which although not a big issue is a little annoying on first entry to a game. And lastly it seems to run with a little bit of lag, and my phone has a snapdragon in it, so not sure what's causing that. One last thing, Not sure whether you are aware or not but the game does not show up if you search for "Find the fruits" it only shows up when you search "Findthefruits". All the best with your C2 endeavours.

  • Held, I'm guessing the problem comes with switching a smaller collision ( Circle ) with a bigger one ( Square ) Causing the collision mesh to get stuck in the solids. Have you tried offsetting the position of the Square character on change so that when you change it lifts it ever so slightly above the ground? You could also, so it does not get stuck if you change by a wall, get construct to check if there are any objects to the left or right of your character ( based of a certain distance ) that would either prevent or allow a switch if there was a risk of the collision mesh getting stuck. If you can provide the .cpx I might be able to give it a look over. If you worried about game ideas just strip everything that is not needed out of it.