Howdy. I appreciate your reply, but sadly, this won't help me.
It if was that simple, I would probably have not asked about this. I indeed thought off of this solution, but as I told earlier, given how events work, it wouldn't work.
Say, imagine it as a Time Stop rather than an ice attack. I would need the player to completely stop from moving, stop their animation, and lose any control above their character. It is easy to disable controls, however the problem I have is that I need the event to totally stop.
Your solution would work if the event haven't been triggered yet, but imagine a timed event. For example, something like that :
When F is pressed
[X] Triggered is set
Wait 0.5 second
Spawn "PlayerBullet" from Player
Set Triggered to false
Just forget what this event does, that's not the matter. The thing is that, as you can see, I have triggered the "Triggered" boolean as soon as the event started, in order for the event not to trigger itself multiple times. This is kind of hard to explain if you do not understand how events work.
To make it simple, events are triggered multiples times in a second (every tick, I suppose) as long as the conditions are met. If the conditions are no longer met, for this example if the player gets frozen before the bullet was released, the event will still continue itself until its end. What I am looking for is how to stop an already triggered event. In other words, how to make an event that, during execution, will instantly stop if one of the conditions are no longer met, or if another variable changes or whatever, you got what I mean. And I don't know how to do this.
To get back to my example, if I followed your idea, the bullet would've been released even if the player was frozen between keyboard input and actual release of the bullet.