raijuu's Forum Posts

  • 2 posts
  • Awesome thanks QuaziGNRLnose.

    Can't wait to re-download tonight.

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  • This works well for me. I'm looking forward to the next release, though it has almost everything I need so far and the amount of work put into this plugin is well worth the price.

    I was wondering what the skybox / cubemap creation pattern should be?

    This is not working for me:

    1 Preload 6 images

    2 set a lightsource

    --Once loaded is true --

    3 create "Cube Map" type texture

    4 create Basic Mesh Material with said CubeMap texture

    5 Set Mesh Material to Back side

    6 Create a simple cube geometry 1000 each side

    7 Create object with these.

    8 set camera position and pray

    This results in a white background in the distance, that seems to be using the material color instead of texture because it's whatever color i have the material set to.

    I have tried:

    A: Setting draw side to back and "Front" I get a big black background because the inside of the cube isn't visible, this is to be expected.

    B: Changing to Lambert type Mesh. Same thing.

    C: Applying a simple one image texture to all cube sides instead of the special cube map, this works fine but isn't the desired result. This seems to confirm the images are loading okay to me though.

    D: I tried setting Q3d properties like BG alpha to 0 and a few other things I can't think of right now.

    I figure i'm missing a key step in the pattern.

    Any advice from anyone would be appreciated. Thanks




  • 2 posts