Raicuparta's Forum Posts

  • Sorry about the low quality.

  • Update! Beta for android now available!

    To get access to the beta, join the Circular Beta Google+ community and then follow the instructions in the Google Play become a tester page.

    Video of the beta in action

    Open to all kinds of suggestions, feedback would be appreciated!

    Known Issues:

    • Portrait mode not working properly
    • Loosing the combo broken when score multiplier is x1

    Original post:

    [quote:4wgfb7z7]Early gif

    Very early playable version here. (this is an older version but not the one in the gif)

    Really easy for now, but won't stay that way for long.


  • Updated with portrait mode support.

    This is now a completed game, is there a way to move it to the finished creations section of the forum?

  • Here is my first android game, Caterpillar Racer:


  • I accidentally published this before even testing it so here it is:

  • Glad everyone liked it! I actually just completely ruined it, no idea what happened but now I'm having some weird bugs with sprite placement, which where only happening when I tried to make an Android app before.

    This gif shows the difference between updates:

    When testing offline in Construct, before exporting, everything seems fine...

    EDIT: It's fixed now

  • Web-based version:

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/826 ... index.html

    If there's any problems I'd like to know what OS and Browser you use.

  • I have a very low resolution game (56x32). It runs fine in Chrome for Android on my tablet, but when using Crosswalk the sprite's positions are all messed up. Usually by only once pixel, but this game is low resolution and I'm using pixel rounding so it becomes completely broken.

    Here is a screenshot of how it looks in Chrome for Android, the way it is supposed to:


    And here is a screenshot of how it looks in Crosswalk:


    The entire background seems to have moved up by one pixel, and notice how some of the borders are messed up.

    Any way to prevent this?

    Oh and if you wanna try the game out yourself, here it is:

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/826 ... index.html

  • Rotating the entire layout seems to cause a really big framerate drop... On my computer it goes down to about 50%! But it does exactly what I was looking for, hopefully I'll be able to make the game more efficient so it works better in this situation.

  • Wait... I was just testing the Rotate 180� thing and it works perfectly, no need to change any of the behaviors, gravity points up, controls are inverted, etc, I though it only rotated the layers but apparently Construct is that great and does the work for you. Awesome.

  • I guess rotating by 180� really is what I'm looking for, but doing it that way would mean redefining a lot of the behaviors.

    Basically I want to make a split screen layout for tablets, so you can two people playing on the same tablet, on opposite sides, with each side facing each player. Like this game does:


    The problem is, my game is a bit more complex than that, and a lot of the behaviors depend on the orientation (gravity, platform movement, etc), so a shader effect would be what I'm looking for, inverting image with a shader would make gravity point up instead of down without having to redefine any behavior.

  • Right now I could really use a shader that could flip part of the screen. In my specific case, I want to flip the top half of the screen vertically for a 2 player split screen game, so I don't have to configure every behavior differently for each player and flip every single object. Of course there would still be the horizontal flip problem, but it would be a lot easier to deal with.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I was thinking this could be done with a shader. I just want part of the screen to be flipped vertically. Maybe this Construct Classic effect is what I'm looking for:


    But I have no idea if there's a way to use it in Construct2.

  • TL;DR: How do I set the position of an object in relation to another instance of the same object, how do I distinguish them in the action?

    In my game, the player character is composed by several objects. Some of them look identical but behave differently. Right now, each part of the character is an individual object, but some of these object share identical sprites, and it would be better to make them all just different instances of the same object.

    For example, right now the body's X coordinate is calculated like this:

    Body1.X = (Body2.X + Back.X)/2-10

    Where Body1 and Body2 are instances of the same object. Should I just keep it as separate objects with the same sprite or is there another way?

  • Game in question: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8262744/WormMP/index.html

    Right now it depends on the music playing to actually become playable, which is silly and I'll fix it, but why doesn't it play anything in other browsers like Firefox or Internet Explorer? I searched a bit and it seems Construct 2 is supposed to convert files to two fromats to support most browsers (I used .ogg files made in Audacity), so this shouldn't be a problem, right?