radbrothers's Forum Posts

  • I have a question about UWP export.

    I did a lot of tests and the sounds do not always run on my projects when I export to UWP.

    I researched a lot on the subject and it was suggested to run the sounds as .mp3.

    Your game is running without any problems in Windows 10, I would like to know the correct export process or some link that I can guide in the process.

    Your game is fantastic.

    Hi! Sorry for late answer! This error was in the old version of the engine, in the new version it is fixed. I'm just exporting a game for Windows 10 there is nothing special.

  • Nepeo ok, thank you for answer!

  • ErenNepeo Thank you for answer!

    So you basically have to replace everything the construct plugin does.

    Yes, I want work with cordova plugin via js code, without construct plugin.

    Also worth noting that you will not be able to interface with cordova plugins when in worker mode, as they have to run in the window context.

    Does this mean that I should use - window.play.signin(); instead - play.signin();?

    But still, how do I catch the exit events and the failed entry?

  • Hi Nepeo

    How I can detect via javascript the state of player when he "On sign in failed", "On auto-sign in failed", "On signed out"? I doesn't found info about it in NPM readme.

    Thank you!

  • Hi all!

    Do you have one of these devices - Galaxy A7, Galaxy Grand Prime или Galaxy S4? I want try to fix lag in my game on this devises. If you have it - write me on contactjbu@radbrothers.com

    Thank you!


  • Heart Box was published in IDflg@XBOX program for Windows 10 and now it has Xbox Live achievements!

    Unfortunately, the game is currently available only for Windows 10 PC, since there is an error on mobile devices that has not been solved yet. I'm looking for a solution, but if I can't fix this error, then I will publish a separate version of the game specifically for Windows 10 Mobile devices without achievements, as it was before.

    In this update:

    - Added 34 Xbox Live achievements!

    - Added a lot of skins for Robby

    - Added coins on levels

    - Added daily presents

    - Added presents between levels

    Download free: microsoft.com/en-us/p/heart-box/9nblggh69kp9

  • Creative Update for Heart Box is available on Google Play & App Store!

    Hi everybody! This is a long-awaited update for those who were waiting for the level editor in the Heart Box! Now you can create your own puzzles and share them using QR codes! But do not forget about #HeartBoxQR hashtag so that I and other players can find your level on the Internet. Also in the game there is a section "Collection" in which you can add levels created by other players.

    Let's start creating of funny levels for Heart Box together!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Fantastic the game has surpassed 1 kk down on Google Play, congratulations.

    I would like to know how the UWP version did as I tried to do some and realized that the performance is a bit unusual

    Thank you! Sorry for the long answer. I did not notice that UWP has poor performance. Each game has its own reasons for poor performance, but I constantly try to optimize my game.

  • Hi R0J0hound

    Thank you for answer! This is my solution for getting imageData via converting Blob from File chooser plugin:

    -> On file chooser changed: Browser execute javascript:

    	"function convertURIToImageData(URI) {
     return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
     if (URI == null) return reject();
     var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
     context = canvas.getContext('2d'),
     image = new Image();
     image.addEventListener('load', function() {
     canvas.width = image.width;
     canvas.height = image.height;
     context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
     resolve(context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height));
     }, false);
     image.src = URI;
    var URI ='"&FileChooser.FileURLAt(0)&"';
    convertURIToImageData(URI).then(function(imageData) {
  • Hi all!


    I choose png image via file chooser plugin and I can get dataURI of this image file, but I want to get imageData (Uint8ClampedArray) of this image file. How I can do it?

  • Hi rafaelfl

    Thank you so much for your work! Plugin work perfectly! But I have a problem - I use Phonegap Build for creating my app, when I add this plugin and build for android he renames my app to "Multiple Image Select". Why it happen? How I can fix it?

  • - Problem Description -

    I'm trying to pass the certification in the program IDssd@Xbox but I get this rejection report:

    For saving and synchronizing game progress between devices, I used the Roaming storage from Windows Store plugin, but it turned out that it can not be used for this. For Xbox Live games we must use Xbox Live Title Storage or Connected Storage:


    - Attach a Capx -

    Any project with Xbox live integration for IDxvv@Xbox

    - Steps to Reproduce Bug -

    1. Device 1: Sign into an Xbox Live enabled Microsoft account and launch the title.

    2. Device 1: Complete at least one level and change all options to non-default values.

    3. Device 1: Terminate the title and sign out of the active account.

    4. Device 2: Sign into the Xbox Live enabled Microsoft account from step [1] and launch the title.

    5. Device 2: Observe that the user's progress and settings have not successfully roamed and instead display their default values.

    - Observed Result -

    User's progress and settings have not successfully roamed and instead display their default values.

    - Expected Result -

    The title must roam all the user's progress and settings when signing in on a second device.

    - Affected Browsers -

    Chrome: (NO)

    FireFox: (NO)

    Internet Explorer: (NO)

    Visual Studio: (YES)

    - Operating System and Service Pack -

    Windows 10 version 1803

    - Construct 2 Version ID -

    r262 64bit

  • e.g. "State = finished, update achievements" will make an "update achievements" request 60 times a second while that condition is true

    Yes, I understand this, and I do not have such conditions in the project. I provided you with a screenshot of Xbox Live Trace Analyzer where you can see that the main problem with the Profile and Presence services. Also, you can see that I'm calling "Set presence" and "Request profile info" only once after triggering "On local user added". So I do not understand why so many repeated requests of this services?

  • Hi Ashley!

    Is there any chance that problems with Xbox Live plugin will be solved in the near updates?

  • - Problem Description -

    I'm trying to pass the certification in the program IDvhw@Xbox but I get this rejection report:

    - Screenshots -

    - Attach a Capx -

    Any project with Xbox live integration for IDajn@Xbox

    - Steps to Reproduce Bug -

    - Observed Result -

    Service Access Limitations

    - Expected Result -

    No Service Access Limitations

    - Affected Browsers -

    Chrome: (NO)

    FireFox: (NO)

    Internet Explorer: (NO)

    Visual Studio: (YES)

    - Operating System and Service Pack -

    Windows 10 version 1803

    - Construct 2 Version ID -

    r262 64bit