[C2/C3] Improve Xbox Live plugin (request for Xbox Live Title Storage)

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  • - Problem Description -

    I'm trying to pass the certification in the program IDsri@Xbox but I get this rejection report:

    For saving and synchronizing game progress between devices, I used the Roaming storage from Windows Store plugin, but it turned out that it can not be used for this. For Xbox Live games we must use Xbox Live Title Storage or Connected Storage:


    - Attach a Capx -

    Any project with Xbox live integration for IDcin@Xbox

    - Steps to Reproduce Bug -

    1. Device 1: Sign into an Xbox Live enabled Microsoft account and launch the title.

    2. Device 1: Complete at least one level and change all options to non-default values.

    3. Device 1: Terminate the title and sign out of the active account.

    4. Device 2: Sign into the Xbox Live enabled Microsoft account from step [1] and launch the title.

    5. Device 2: Observe that the user's progress and settings have not successfully roamed and instead display their default values.

    - Observed Result -

    User's progress and settings have not successfully roamed and instead display their default values.

    - Expected Result -

    The title must roam all the user's progress and settings when signing in on a second device.

    - Affected Browsers -

    Chrome: (NO)

    FireFox: (NO)

    Internet Explorer: (NO)

    Visual Studio: (YES)

    - Operating System and Service Pack -

    Windows 10 version 1803

    - Construct 2 Version ID -

    r262 64bit

  • Did you ever find a way around this? I'm interested in making an IDmgq@xbox game.

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  • Ashley - Any insight on this. I want to use IDwzv@Xbox in the future.

    This will be vital when Xbox Live comes to iOS and Android.

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