Raccoon's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • If you go to project properties find the option sampling and set it to point that fixed it for me.

    Thank you sooo much! This worked for me

  • If I recall correctly, asm.js as well as being limited to 8 collision points, also cannot handle concave object shapes - it could have been that, perhaps. Glad it's fixed!

    Maybe the sprite I deleted was concave. I'll keep that thought in mind too.


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  • So I tried what you said and it didn't work, but then I thought about deleting one of my most recent/changed sprites and sure enough it worked! I will still keep in mind your idea for the future though.


  • This may nit be ut, but does you object has more than 8 points in his xollision polygon? I recall one of the physics engine not supporting more than 8.

    I will check.

  • I was working on a new project and one day I tried out my project to test how it was going and a message popped up. I didn't know what it meant so I decided to just skip it and see if it still worked and it did, but then another message popped up says that there might be a bug and then the game stopped working. I attached a screen shot of the two so hopefully someone can help and maybe let me know if this is a bug or not and if I should report it?

  • 5 posts