Rable's Forum Posts

  • Completely agree on platform deployment being the hardest part of game development in Construct 2.

  • ondraayyy

    It should work. Is everything ok with your events? Do you authenticate on the start of layout?

    Maybe re-read the manual refrence entry to see if everything is correct on this side:


    Did you try to create events that trigger on auth fails or on auth success, to see whether authentification fails or gets no response at all?

  • From the moment I posted the message, I still don't have Apple's approval yet (it's pending), but I'm confident GC wil work on the build I submitted. At the very least the Leaderboards and achievements are working fine in Sandbox environment (I even can see the scores of the reviewers) so I guess it should be okay.

    Did you try your app in sandbox environment? Does it gives you a message "Welcome back, (...)" when you ask for authetification?

  • Still another question : I've just build my game with only one change : I selected the provisioning profile "production" instead of "adhoc" inside XDK build settings tab.

    However, I didn't change the provisioning file I used. And the build succeeded!

    So in other words, I've been able to build both adhoc and production provisionning profiles with the same file, which is an adhoc file (see image below)

    Could this build be considered a production build, as Intel XDK succeeded to make it, or is it mandatory to use a production provisioning file?

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  • On this thread someone said that an adhoc build would be rejected :


    But I'm quite sure my previous exported game was approved with "adhoc" checked in Intel XDK. Maybe there is something going on in Intel XDK which allow adhoc builds to pass the approval phase? Or my game was reviewed by a n00b reviewer, and he didn't notice it... ^^'

  • Actually I withdrawed the game from the store immediately because IAP weren't working, so I'm not sure about this.

    I think I'll ask Apple about this.

  • Glad it it worked for you too.

    I don't have any errors at the moment. Are you sure you are correctly logged with the sandbox account?

  • Thanks, I'll try that.

    But I can say I already had my app validated by Apple and live on the store with an Adhoc profile. So it is probably at least doable, but maybe there are problems with that. I'd look at what Application Loader tells me.

  • Hi everyone,

    Quick question : can I publish an app to the Apple App Store using an Adhoc provisionning profile?

    What are the risks of doing this? Would the IAP still work?

  • matrixreal could you please help me here .....

    as I am facing the same situation like rable did ?

    if you can share some light on this topic publicly then it would really help me & others out !!!

    I can't believe it! matrixreal solved my problem!

    The "add product IDs" action need to be written like this : "product1,product2,product3,..." NOT like this : "product1, product2, product3, ..."

    In other words, DON'T add spaces between the comma and the product while using PhonegapIAP for an iOS export, or the store listing won't work.

    Can't believe I lost 2 months on this... Thanks a lot to matrixreal and everyone who helped!

  • PMed you, matrixreal

    Looking forward to know what you found

  • Oh, awesome! I've been able to get everything right by using touch.XforID along with on Nth touch start/end.

    Thanks a lot, and sorry for the inconvenience!

  • Thanks a lot for your time on this capx. This is very interesting!

    Actually, in your capx,

    • Touch right side (keep)
    • touch left side (keep)
    • release right side
    • release left side

    produce the desired result : creates a red rectangle, then a blue rectangle.


    • Touch left side (keep)
    • touch right side (keep)
    • release left side
    • release right side

    Still produces two blue rectangles instead of blue, then red. So I'm afraid at the moment we still have to consider this as a bug.

    I tested it on iPad (preview over wifi), android 4.1.2 (preview over wifi and crosswalk export)

  • Negative,

    • Touch left side (keep)
    • touch right side (keep)
    • release left side
    • release right side

    produces the desired result. Following your logic, it should also produce 2 rectangle of the same color.

    Furthermore, the following codes :

    and this one (using IDs)

    produce the exact same result as the one in the first post.

    If you manage to have the correct behavior, could you share the event sheet, so that I could edit my post to say that this is not a bug (and know how to resolve my problem)?


  • Thanks to newt for showing it was not a bug, why, and how to resolve the problem.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.


    Problem Description

    When using multi-touch (touching 2 points), releasing the second touch before the first one will cause bugs.

    Attach a Capx

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/pq2y1jc2deupg ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    When releasing a touch on the right side of the screen, creates a red rectangle at a random position

    When releasing a touch on the left side of the screen, creates a blue rectangle at a random position

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Touch left side (keep)
    • touch right side
    • release right side
    • release left side (also fails when inverting all the lefts for rights and vice-versa)

    Observed Result

    When releasing right, blue rectangle appears

    When releasing left, blue rectangle appears too

    Expected Result

    Red rectangle appears, then blue rectangle appears.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES
    • Safari : YES
    • FireFox: untested
    • Internet Explorer: untested

    Operating System and Service Pack

    iPad : iOS 8.3

    Android 4.1.2

    Construct 2 Version ID
