Sorry, this isn't on my radar for things I'm interested in doing currently.
If anyone else is interested in attempting this it basically amounts to taking the official canvas plugin and changing the paste function to draw immediately instead of deferring to when the frame is rendered. Likely C3's renderer is designed to setup most of it's state when the frame is rendered. Also that is likely the point where any culling occurs. Both those things mean there will be some set up that will need to be done with care to not break what the render later expects.
Overall I imagine it may be fiddly to setup, and probably has a high chance of breaking with construct updates. I'm more into one-off projects that only need to be updated for fun as of late. I'm less interested in something that requires a lot of maintenance and requires compatibility with most other construct features.
Anyways, looks like a cool project. There's probably a way to utilize a canvas to do split screen, but not having it draw immediately is inconvenient (it basically complicates it). I haven't really used it but you could use two canvases to display the second screen. Basically any given frame one of the canvases would be on screen where you can see, and one is offscreen being drawn to. The only drawback is what you see will be one frame behind, which may be ok?
Decided to test the idea:
Seems to work well, but like in C2 the tilemap won't draw tiles that are offscreen. In C2 the solution was to temporarily move the tilemap onscreen but I don't have a solution for C3. Likely particles have a similar issue.
Anyways, cheers.