R0J0hound's Forum Posts

  • Actually the 200 and 100 are linear and angular acceleration, not speeds.

    For angular deceleration:

    + MouseKeyboard: [negated] Key Left arrow is down
    + MouseKeyboard: [negated] Key Right arrow is down
    -> Sprite: Subtract 2*'AngularVelocity'*TimeDelta from 'AngularVelocity'
    2 is the deceleration amount .
    On a side note the physics behavior is way better suited for this type of movement, as it takes very little to set up.
  • For that type of movement only addition and subtraction of vectors are needed. No need for dot or cross product although those are easily implementable.

    Here's an example for you viewing pleasure:


  • Must sleep so here's the example (might explain later):

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/3mlg8usurpq45 ... d.cap?dl=1



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  • I'm using the conditional operator.

    It's in this format:

    condition ? ifTrue : ifFalse[/code:24ozcys7]
    It checks the condition, if it's true then the expression uses ifTrue value, and if it's false the ifFalse value is used.  So in my example if "global('triggercount')=1" is true 0 is used, and if it's false 1 is used.
  • Use the timer behavior.

    Here's an example to illustrate:

    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5426011/example ... xample.cap

  • It's a bug with the RTS behavior. The "arrived at waypoint" is always being triggered twice for each waypoint. So with you events two 'Sprite2' objects are being destroyed when a waypoint is reached. A solution would to only destroy 'Sprite2' every other time "arrived at waypoint" is triggered.

    Here is your example with a workaround implemented:


  • It seems that this condition:

    + Sprite: arrived at a waypoint[/code:3i8ucuqg]
    is always triggered twice, so it look like it's an issue with the RTS plugin.
  • Try the Sprite Button Plugin: http://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=5791

  • What a fun project, I would have loved to do such a project in collage.

    [quote:399dntbv]...open source is not terribly useful when the libraries required to compile and hence fix some of the many many bugs, are not open source.

    While you can't compile the Construct's IDE from the source (unless you have the PROF-UIS library), you can compile the runtime and all the plugins as long as you have Visual Studio. You can even compile with Visual Studio Express, you just need to get a hold of the MFC/ATL libraries.

  • Cool example lucid. There is a lot of potential for using python to create reusable bits of code.

    Here's a barebones example of using python to make your own platform behavior:


    And here's a more complicated example:


    Although there is no need to understand how it works to use it.

  • You'll have to make a method for writing text one letter at a time that is TimeDelta independent. When the timescale is zero, timeDelta is zero and the timer does not increase. You can use ticks though. There is a tick pretty much every frame, and by default construct runs at 60 fps. So you can make something happen every tick or every 16 milliseconds (1000 / 60).

    Here is an example:


    req at least ver 0.99.84

  • It works for me when using the physics behavior. What other objects/Behaviors are you using? Also if you post a cap that will make it easier to figure out the reason for the crash.

  • I think Construct is and has been ready for a major game. The unpredictable bugs that abhilash2863 speaks of are random crashes of the editor that seldomly occur (at least for me). Save often as this is advisable for any computer program to prevent loss. The runtime however is very stable so you needn't worry about your game crashing.

    I for one appreciate every new version of Construct, but I am not waiting for version 1.0 before I start a big project. I just haven't come up with one yet.


  • Use goto layout and got the name of the current layout.

    So if you layout is named "Layout 1", use this action:

    -> System: Go to layout "Layout 1" with transition "None" lasting 0 MS
  • Here's a test cap: http://db.tt/QXvbs0 req 0.99.84 or newer.

    As long as the object is flashing, trying to make the object visible or invisible has no effect. It looks like this is by design because all flash does is make the object visible and invisible at regular intervals.

    I'm having no problem making the object visible or invisible once the flash is done.

    Stopping the flash is fairly simple by using the flash action with just zeros:

    -> Sprite: Flash for 0 seconds with 0 seconds interval[/code:1rjaxayk]
    but since you said "that's not the point" I guess that won't help.
    I find the way flash currently works to be acceptable, but that's just me.  It's simple enough to do those actions you need done.  For example to hide a flashing object it would only take two actions:
    [code:1rjaxayk]-> Sprite: Flash for 0 seconds with 0 seconds interval
    -> Sprite: Make Invisible