R0J0hound's Forum Posts

  • It's referred to as "depth sorting" or "z ordering".

    A common way to do it would be to put all the object you want to sort into a family and use this event to sort:

    System: for each family1 ordered by family1.y

    --- family1: send to top

    It works best if the object hotspots are on the bottom. You can also do it without families by using one object and having different animation frames represent the different objects.

  • You can format the whole text object but not just lines of it. To have different formatting per line create a different text instance per line.

  • You can do it with the physics behavior. Turn off gravity with the action "set world gravity to 0" and use "apply force toward position". The position is the black hole and the force would be something like k*1/distance(object.x, object.y, blackhole.x, blackhole.y). "k" is basically how strong the black hole is. Change "k" it to whatever value you like, a higher value should give good results.

    The objects will just move toward the center of the black hole unless you give the objects some velocity 90 degrees from the direction to the blackhole.

    Here is a further discription with some useful diagrams:


    And here is where I got the gravity formula:


  • Is it a bug? The behavior was by design in CC:


    So is it a bug now or was it in r99, I happy either way as long as it is consistent.

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  • Xwing9

    There are no limits that I know of. I tried to reproduce the problem and I had no problem playing 4+ sounds.

  • I think the jump height does vary with the framerate.

    Jumping is just projectile motion and you can calculate mathematically the jump height with this formula:

    jump_height = (jumpStrength^2)/(2 * gravity)

    In the case of the example the calculated jump height should be 50 pixels.

    When I ran the capx I measured the jump height and it was 56 pixels. On my machine it was running a about 30fps.

    The platform behavior currently changes the y position like this:

    y = y + v_velocity * dt

    If it's changed to this:

    y = y + v_velocity * dt + 0.5 * gravity * dt * dt

    Then the measured jump height will match the calculated jump height regardless the framerate.

    Ashley my proposed fix is to change this:

    ..\Construct 2\exporters\html5\behaviors\platform\runtime.js lines 582-583

    this.inst.x += this.dy * dt * this.downx;
    this.inst.y += this.dy * dt * this.downy;

    to this:

    this.inst.x += (this.dy * dt + 0.5 * this.g * dt * dt) * this.downx;
    this.inst.y += (this.dy * dt + 0.5 * this.g * dt * dt) * this.downy;
  • Create a text object and add an event "start of layout: set text to renderer" and see if it says webgl. If it says canvas2d can you run any other webgl shader demos from around the internet from firefox?

  • My post was about just modifying the group "grp_TilingPieces". Your event elsewhere that moves the sprites with delta time is correct.

  • Well I'd go with chrome for your testing for now.

    The computer I'm on right now has a very old graphics card so webgl shaders don't work at all. It only support opengl 1.4 and I think you need support for at least opengl 2.0 to get shaders working in the editor.

    It is probably falling back to canvas2d in firefox. You could try setting "webgl.prefer-native-gl" to true and see if that works. I imagine it will if the effects are working in the editor.

  • 0. It serves no purpose atm.

    1. It rounds drawing to the nearest pixel as (as opposed to fraction of pixel drawing)

    2. Everything but off is on, you have 4 ways to try.

    3. Just what it says. It's higher resolution or something. Google it.

    4. Like most of these you can get an idea of what it does by experimenting. Linear makes re-sized images smooth, nearest makes them blocky.

    5. Click on it in the editor and read the description for it on the bottom of the screen.

    6. Useful when using draw effects (or blend modes in r100+).

    7. It's a factor that allows that layer to zoom more or less when you zoom it in game.

    8. It allows you to visualize your layer settings in the editor as opposed to only in game.

    9. K3Wl lAnGuag3

    10. No idea. Perhaps it helps in the creation of a custom translation.

    11. You can add files that you can access with the AJAX object.

    12. Do a test to see what the difference is from the other modes. There are also example capx in C2's install folder.

    13. I believe it makes to object move in the opposite direction if it's moving.

    14. It's used in stepping mode for more precise collision detection.

    15. In the add action dialog click on them and read the descriptions at the top of the dialog. You can do the capx yourself and note any differences.

    16. Think zig-zag.

  • Perhaps webgl is not enables in ff on your computer?

    To turn it on:

    Go to address about:config

    type in webgl

    set "webgl-force-enabled" to true

  • The overlapping condition only compares against the picked objects and it also does picking. So the second overlapping condition only compares against the objects that were already picked by the first overlapping condition. You can fix it by putting a "pick all" condition between the conditions, or doing it a different way.

    Here is a different way:


  • Perhaps this will help:


    More specifically do this:

    spr_Mountains x<=-768

    ---- spr_Mountains: set x to self.x+768*2

    TiledBackground x<=-256

    ---- TiledBackground: set x to self.x+256*2

    spr_Hills x<=-768

    ---- spr_Hills: set x to self.x+768*2

    spr_Grass x<=-256

    ---- spr_Grass: set x to self.x+512*3

  • It's possible with draw effects and using the layer property "Force own texture".

    Here is an example with a slightly different method per layer.
