quixorbl's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the new version. Another follow-up question: As per the screenshot included in my very first post in this thread, I'm looking to hide/show text boxes. Text boxes do not appear to have an Effects section where I can set the Blend mode to 'Source in' as you did with the 'content' sprite. How would I make text boxes disappear except when said text boxes are within the window?

  • So I just got around to attempting to implement said scrollbar feature. However, I now have a different issue. The scrollbar tutorial leaves the parts of the sprite not in the window visible. Is there a way to make whatever can be viewed within the window that is not currently within the window invisible while leaving everything that is not meant to be viewed inside the window visible? That way I can have many sprites, text boxes, etc. without the parts not within the window covering everything above and/or below the window.

  • This is rather strange. Given that what I'm asking for is nothing more complicated than a few configuration settings, it seems surprising that this functionality does not exist. Is it really so hard to implement that Scirra hasn't done so yet? Or is it that nobody ever thought to ask it to be done?

  • I work on a site that uses multiple Construct 2 files and every time I export a new version for the site I have to manually edit c2runtime.js to deal with where various pieces of information are stored on the server. I'd like to know if it is possible to configure Construct 2 to do any of the following (and if so, how) so that I don't have to keep doing it myself:

    1) I'd like Construct 2 to know where I want it to look for loading-logo.png. Right now, c2runtime.js defaults to looking in the directory where it is uploaded...which is not where this file is stored on the server.

    2) Since multiple Construct 2 files are in use on the server, I can't have each file be named c2runtime.js. Is there a way to have Construct 2 export to a different filename (e.g. building1.js)?

    3) Also for the reason mentioned in #2, I can't have each file be named data.js. Is there a way to have Construct 2 export to a different filename (e.g. building1_data.js)?

    4) Lastly, the renamed c2runtime.js file needs to be told where to look for the renamed data.js file since the renamed data.js file is not in the root directory. Is there a way to have Construct 2, on export, tell the renamed c2runtime.js where to look for the associated renamed data.js?

  • I know Construct can use scrollbars but what I want is to have scrollbars active for a subset of the interface. I have attached a screenshot of a piece of code I'm working on. You'll note that there 10 textboxes with names in the textboxes on the left side and money amounts in the textboxes on the right side. I'd like to be able to scroll such that one could scroll through more than 10 textboxes while leaving the background in place. Also, I'd like to activate/deactivate the scrollbars based on whether or not there are more than 10 textboxes of info.

  • Thank you for your follow-up. I tried both options with no success. Doing the request full screen on start of layout (I placed it right after the AJAX call on the Event Sheet) had no effect on the dimensions of the canvas. I also added the on any touch option and that caused the canvas to go full screen when I clicked on it. This is a problem because, in full screen mode, you can't see your account information that is otherwise displayed above the canvas as seen in the original screenshots. Furthermore, when reverting from full screen back to the normal display, the canvas reverted to being as too big as it was before the on touch full screen.

  • Thank you for your response. The data is loaded via PHP calls to a MySQL database. No formatting occurs during the collection of the data so I'm not sure how my method of acquiring the data could cause a different kind of formatting. If it helps, the PHP is being handled via the CodeIgniter MVC system. If you know of how loading the data could cause such effects on the CSS I would be most appreciative. Otherwise, I must continue to conclude that something is wrong with the .js file...barring any other suggestions as to what might be causing this display issue.

  • I posted this previously to the Beginner's Forum and posting again here in case I can get a more complete answer. Here is my original post to the Beginner's Forum:

    I'm not sure if this is a beginner's question but I got my last question answered here so I'm posting again. I have multiple Construct 2 .capx files being used on a website. On the server, the sizes of the windows should be the same but are not. I have attached to this post two .capxs and a .zip file with three screenshots to illustrate the problem. The first .capx is for something called "Word Wizard World." If you look in the .capx you will see that the window is set to be 640x480. A screenshot (found in the .zip file) of Word Wizard World has been included so you can see what it looks like on the server in Chrome. The second .capx is for something called "Hall of Fame." If you look in the .capx you will see that the window here is also set to be 640x480. Two screenshots (found in the .zip file) have been provided for Hall of Fame on the server in Chrome because, for some reason, the Hall of Fame does not fit entirely on the screen. You need to scroll down to see everything. The first screenshot is what you see when you first enter the "Hall of Fame." The second screenshot is what you see after scrolling down to the bottom. Note that I am aware that there is nothing particularly meaningful below what can be seen initially. However, this problem exists as well in some of my other .capxs when viewed on the server in Chrome. Also, there may be a time in the future when there -will- be useful information that can't be seen without scrolling down and I'd like to resolve this problem once and for all. Or, at the very least, determine that the problem is -not- with the .capxs in question.

    Further to what I originally posted that is quoted above:

    If either .capx is viewed in Preview mode locally, the layouts will take up the full screen (w/o the blue border...that gets added via further CSS on the server) and be centered and not require any scrolling in order to get to the bottom. I have tried this in both IE and Chrome. I have further edited the CSS being applied on the server to make the original canvas dimensions too big or too small and, in all cases when viewed in Chrome, the final canvas dimensions are too big for "Hall of Fame" (hence the scrolling to the bottom) and just right for "Word Wizard World." This suggests to my amateur-ish eyes that the problem is with whatever CSS is being generated in the minified .js file. I've also tried viewing the .js file unminified but there is way too much code for me to try and wrap my mind around. If anybody thinks that the problem may exist there and knows enough about it to look into it, I can include it in a future post. Of course, if that is the problem, surely it should be present in both "Word Wizard World" and "Hall of Fame" instead of just "Hall of Fame."

  • That's what I'm trying to figure out. The problem may not be with the .capxs. Of course, I'm not sure what's wrong with the server code either (since the files themselves are also almost identical) but this is not the forum for that.

  • If you look at the "Word Wizard World" screenshot you will note that the interface is nice and centered with an appropriately sized blue border that all fits on the screen without any need to scroll. The .capx claims that the size is 640x480. The "Hall of Fame" screenshots make clear that the interface is too big and requires scrolling to see it all. Yet, the .capx also claims that the size is 640x480. I don't know what size "Word Wizard World" is scaling to since it clearly is not 640x480 (assuming that "Hall of Fame" now -is- 640x480) but either way they should all look the same since the configurations in the .capx were identical. If "Word Wizard World" scales perfectly to fit in the blue border without scrolling, so too "Hall of Fame" should scale perfectly to fit in the blue border without scrolling. This is the bug I'm trying to fix. Is this a Construct 2 issue? Is there something wrong with the .capx that is causing the mis-scaling of "Hall of Fame" but is not causing a mis-scaling of "Word Wizard World?"

  • No joy. I have attached a copy of the screenshot generated after I changed "Fullscreen in browser" to "Off." It no longer is too big for the screen. Now, it's too small, doesn't fit nicely in the blue border and is no longer centered. Also, even if this -had- worked, why should it be necessary for "Hall of Fame" but not "Word Wizard World?"

  • I'm not sure if this is a beginner's question but I got my last question answered here so I'm posting again. I have multiple Construct 2 .capx files being used on a website. On the server, the sizes of the windows should be the same but are not. I have attached to this post two .capxs and a .zip file with three screenshots to illustrate the problem. The first .capx is for something called "Word Wizard World." If you look in the .capx you will see that the window is set to be 640x480. A screenshot (found in the .zip file) of Word Wizard World has been included so you can see what it looks like on the server in Chrome. The second .capx is for something called "Hall of Fame." If you look in the .capx you will see that the window here is also set to be 640x480. Two screenshots (found in the .zip file) have been provided for Hall of Fame on the server in Chrome because, for some reason, the Hall of Fame does not fit entirely on the screen. You need to scroll down to see everything. The first screenshot is what you see when you first enter the "Hall of Fame." The second screenshot is what you see after scrolling down to the bottom. Note that I am aware that there is nothing particularly meaningful below what can be seen initially. However, this problem exists as well in some of my other .capxs when viewed on the server in Chrome. Also, there may be a time in the future when there -will- be useful information that can't be seen without scrolling down and I'd like to resolve this problem once and for all. Or, at the very least, determine that the problem is -not- with the .capxs in question.

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  • Just to clarify, the preloader image is indeed loading-logo.png. I wasn't sure if that was a special name so I made up a generic preloader.png filename specifically for the example in the post above.

  • Thanks for the info...but the plot thickens. So it seems the reason the pre-loader wasn't loading at all was because it was looking for the correct image in the wrong directory. This seems odd as I set the image directory in export to be identical to the relative-positioning of the directories on the server. To be both as specific and non-specific as possible if my sample website is located at server/directory1/directory2/page and the pre-loader image is located at server/images/constructImages/preloader.png, I am exporting the images directory as ../../images/constructImages. I am also uploading the preloader.png file to the server in that location. Yet, if I open the minified Javascript and do a search for preloader.png, I find that the Javascript thinks the image is in the root directory of the project. Naturally, Chrome's error catcher caught a 404 on the fact that server/directory1/directory2/preloader.png can't be found. But why would the minified Javascript completely ignore where I tell it the images for my "Main" sheet are to be found?

    In case it matters, the specific error mentioned by Chrome when the new sheet does not load and has to be refreshed in order to appear is: Uncaught InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The HTMLImageElement provided is in the 'broken' state. I suspect this is caused by the 404 from looking for the image in the wrong directory.

  • There used to be a background image on the Main sheet that was removed because, on the server, the Main sheet wouldn't load at all without refreshing the browser window the first time you entered (i.e. the only time the pre-loader should run at all). I managed to "fix" the problem by removing the background image. (No, I don't know why that "solved" the problem of needing to refresh the browser window the first time you enter the Main screen in order to view it properly.) How "massive" is massive for the purposes of "forcing" the pre-loader to appear?