QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • you need to use the old exporter from three.js r-69.

    r-70 is a new version which Q3D doesn't use atm, because of various bugs. (r-69 is more stable)

  • Joannesalfa, you need to set your animation name in the model to "DiffuseMap". I had the same problem the other day - I didn't realise the requirement.

    On that note, QuaziGNRLnose, could you please set the default animation name to "DiffuseMap" when creating a new Q3DModel? I know it's a minor thing, but if it's possible, it'd be appreciated alongside the next update.

    Its not possible with the c2 sdk afaik.

    In anycase, you dont always want a diffusemap!

  • Joannesalfa

    you can already make the grass and spotlight using Q3D, the spotlight is just a transparent model added to the light, possibly with an alpha map diffuse texture. The grass is well, just textured geometry on the terrain model. These are very project specific effects and i'd think making themselves would be the best way to get them to look the way you want

    I'll see about video textures, but its not high in my priorities right now.

    You can't use model materials and the "advanced x stuff" setting, it doesn't work because "model materials" are optimized to all share the same textures/geometry/materials on the gpu. it's a lot more complicated than it seems behind the scenes! I suggest you break up your model into parts anyway, cause having stuff you need to change dynamically its much easier to select/pick using constructs event system, and the plugin is optimized for doing things this way. I'll have to find a way to allow modification of the model materials, but it'll be slow and break optimizations.

  • just a suggestion, but in the current Q3D version, you can use BASIC material instead of having to set the emissivity etc. it's a material type unaffected by lights.

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  • I played with adding text generation features, but they didn't work well. You can't use any font so your limited to js fonts which don't really work well. Generating the geometry for anything more than a first time initialization is too slow for real time use anyway, so i suggest exporting letters/text as models and using Q3DModel instead.

    You can create new textures with Q3D master and load them onto models with the action in "advanced x stuff" near the bottom, you do need to have a texturemap of the specified type existing already though (i.e. you can only replace the current texture for a diffuse map if the model had a diffuse map to begin with in its animations). I think you can use a canvas URL instead of an image URL and it'll work.

    Those extensions don't really work that great / offer much. They can't really be simply integrated and aren't of consistent stability. what features interest you.

  • tgeorgemihai

    That game concept would definitely be possible. Q3D includes simple 3D collision detection but you're equally free to use invisible sprites for the underlying logic, and position the 3D objects based on those. I can say at this point the plugin is quite user friendly, but it's still a lot more complex than vanilla construct since you need to understand scene graphs / a different workflow.

    There is no trial version. You can assume performance is equal to that of any current three.js examples/projects of comparable scope to what you want to achieve, the underlying engine is the same so the performance should be mostly equivalent in terms of rendering (logic depends on implementation).

    I don't have any videos yet, and i know that's a turn off for many users. I plan to improve the plugin enough that no major changes will occur before I make videos, as having them go obsolete after putting a great deal of effort into them wouldn't be worth it. I'm thinking this will be after the next update in which I plan to include support for 3D physics and skeletal animation. This might realistically be out anywhere from 2-4 months from now, if you don't mind waiting potentially that long.

    Other than that, i check the forums regularly, especially this thread, so feel free to ask as many questions as you wish!

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  • Hello! I have some questions:

    1. I want to use the same texture on different 3d objects. Is this possible? Ideally I would just use an atlas texture, and map everything I have onto it. I think construct uses some kind of automatic optimisation, but i'm not sure. Do I just add the same texture file on every model, or is there a way, or need to optimise?

    2. I want to make an option to change texture colors. For example, I want to make a texture with a stripe on a background. Then I want to change colors of stripe, and background separetly, so I can have different combinations. Is this currently possible? Will I be able to do it with upcoming shaders?

    Oh and thanks a lot for this plugin. Looking forward for new features!

    1. By default Q3D shares textures per object type (i.e. If you have a q3dmodel called object1 in construct, all object1 instances share the texture in gpu memory, but if you also have object2 with the same texture, its instatiate in memory. If you really need to share textures in gpu memory, q3dmaster has texture creation actions, and q3dmodel has a special "use texture from q3dmaster" action in advanced x stuff all the way at the bottom of the add action list.

    2. You can use lightmaps with primary uvs to have two seperate "diffuse map" channels. You will definitely be able to do it with some colour replace shader when shaders are working properly, but itd require copying the existing phong/basic/lambert shaders first.

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  • Slice

    1. You need to convert to three.js JSON format first. There are various online tools for this and plugins for various modeling packages. I recommend exporting to json directly from blender, as this is the most "error free" way to do it. Not all features FBX uses are supported by Q3D.

    2. Not yet, there seems to be a problem with cordova and model loading which im trying to work out. I'm pretty certain i'll eventually be able to get it to work with crosswalk/cordova. Other than that, Q3D runs fine on android chrome if the phone hardware supports WebGL properly as far as i've tested, but of course the hardware is slow and limits how much you can do.

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  • Im pretty sure minecraft uses raycasting against an axis aligned octree.

  • It's sadly too late for scirra to really try attempting to make C2 easily translatable.

  • GameThirsty

    That's because each object still has to perform checks against the frustum and updates each frame, even if its not rendered. every Q3D Model introduces a CPU cost, you can't compare the performance to something like a sprite in C2, 10,000 unique objects existing simultaneously is a lot in 3D. If you're trying to do something like minecraft Q3DModel isn't going to work, there's particular optimizations needed to get something like that with so many "blocks" to perform properly, which can't easily be done in Q3D, they aren't equivalent to something like Q3D model. It requires a special system built from the ground up just for that, using octrees and optimized raycasts to carefully prune and display only whats necessary.

    Even around 500 Q3D models on screen at once on a normal system is pushing it. You could have really complicated geometry which has millions of triangles perform better in a single model, than you could have a 100th as many spread across 500 objects because the program will be CPU bound because of all the transforms it'll have to do. Q3D is optimized, so I can't really improve the performance, this is just the way things are. Eventually i'll have particle objects perhaps for stuff like smoke, but there can never be 10000s of unique objects, even modern games don't have this. Stuff is batched together, without unique transforms. Something like minecraft would require a custom plugin for stuff just like that.