QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • QuaziGNRLnose, I have a game with multiple layouts and in couple of layouts I need Q3DMaster. So as per your advise, I made Q3DMaster invisble in layouts (at the start of layout action) that I don't want it show. However during the game - after I visit the layouts containing the Q3DMaster and then visit the layouts where I made it invisible, all the loaded objects and the Q3DMaster is still showing through in those layouts where I dont want it to be shown...Please help as to how I should be taking care of this.

    Is it global? If so u need to delete it from the other layouts and only have one in the project. Make a simple test to try what youre going to do first. If its due to a bug send me the capx and ill fix it.

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  • emartransformo

    use foreach +system compare + one of the following expressions for .x / .y / .z / .xw / .yw / .zw

    it's the same thing

  • Ralph

    That'd be more of the job of an exporter / third party tool than Q3D, It's got support for multiple animations but if your workflow means you set things up like that on the timeline in your modeling software you should know Q3D expects the animations in JSON to be separated according to the standards of the file format.

    You could probably make a tool in construct itself where you define names and ranges and it generates a new model file, but i'm not keen on supporting it in the plugin as parsing out the animations like that is something that i feel should be handled by the user since they're responsible for the models, and it'd be rather cumbersome to set up in events anyway.

  • pedroRocha

    As i said, it doesn't wait for them to load every time, you're getting confused. Check chrome://cache and you'll see the model files are kept there too. They're cached but the cache is only used while online (at least in chrome) to speed up the page load significantly. The reason for this i presume is so that it can check it's cache is up to date before using it (or else it could be using out of date files without knowing). This is why the first time you load the game it takes a long time, but after that the models load relatively quickly (theres still a short access/check time, but it's only a second or two). I'm talking specifically about "work offline" which is something chrome doesn't automatically do anyway unless you tell it or use a plugin.

    Also, the game starts if the textures/models haven't loaded yet because that's how you set up the project. Q3D supports async downloading of all the models flawlessly, but you can make a loading bar which shows the download progress relatively easily with like 3 events.

    There are a few ways you can make a loading bar:

    on a different layout with Q3D Master, or on the main layout, whatever you want (this depends where you want the bar to show, and when) Run the actions that starts downloading all the necessary models

    -> Q3D Master actions: "--> load model" this action downloads the specified model and parses it, then saves it to memory for the rest of the project duration.

    you can call this action multiple times for different files one after another, and it makes a stack, loading the first file first, second second, etc. until it's done.

    you can get the progress of the download from Q3D Master expressions in the "Loading" section:

    the 4 values you can currently get for the loading process are:

    loaded items: the number of items that have been loaded so far.

    loaded filename: the filename of the file currently being downloaded.

    load status: the state of the load.

    load total: the total number of items that have been loaded into the project so far.

    Note that when Q3D Models automatically download files they're added to this queue as if the "load model" action was called from Q3D Master, it just conveniently does everything for the user if "autoload : yes" is specified, which is the default. You can also have a loading bar that shows even if you never use the Q3D Master load actions (i.e. it can just work using the models auto-load feature themselves if you dont feel like making a layout to call load model on all the project files a bunch of times)

  • stefanos

    3D sprites can be rotated with their angle property but they always face the screen as this is their purpose. If you want something like a plane with textures you should use a model as you suggest. q3d sprites are cheap because of their always face cam attribute.

    Im unaware at this time if the plugin for c3 will have an upgrade price. If the work involved is considerable it might.

  • rexrainbow

    It might work, but i've never tried it, and as far as i can tell --> No animation support which kind of defeats the purpose

  • pedroRocha

    I didn't really build Q3D for storing online files locally after download, so the only way to do that is to back up the page/site directory with something like WGET and run it on local host. I never really considered the use case where people want to run the site offline since caching all the data might lead to too much data being stored. AFAIK a lot of browsers cache things automatically anyway so it's kind of an edge case Q3D doesn't handle. If this is an issue (people are complaining about downloading multiple times, you could always offer an offline NW.js version). Chrome at least appears to cache the model.

    if i look in " chrome://cache " I can see the model file has been cached for faster reloading. I guess this doesn't end up working offline but i don't really know why, probably something to do with chrome itself.

    EDIT: this is a bit helpful

    http://superuser.com/questions/459196/i ... in-firefox

    It's a complicated issue and i'm not even sure i can set it up to work through the plugin (as the setting is for the page itself which is part of construct's exporters job, it may be an issue with construct not backing up project files if it does do the manifest and all that, i'm really not sure and wont have time to look into it for a while)

  • Ubivis

    you can use a .js or .json, it recognizes both extensions as the same as of like V2-3 or something

    What is the error message you're getting?

    Send me the converted .js file

    Also make sure you convert it to "three.js object", as Q3D doesn't recognize the scene format for models.

    EDIT: just checked clara.io and it doesn't export the proper type of model file. Why dont you try importing to blender and re-exporting from there? I'll try to eventually support the newer three.js model format as well. I can't easily support fbx because of the license it has, and the fact the format is maintained by a third party who doesn't release easily accessible information, it's a lot more complex than it seems.

    Just make blender do the conversion

  • kmsravindra

    must be a three.js change with how emissive multiplies then.

    Instead of doing that just set the material type to "Basic" with a white color, it'll be fully lit. The "emissive" trick was a hack before different material types were available.

  • Joannesalfa

    The issue was that i was upset with how badly designed the C2 RTS template is, so it makes things difficult to improve since it's built on a bad foundation! If I did it again i'd make it much simpler/better.

  • kmsravindra

    a black material color has always made the entire thing black, since it multiplies the diffuse map, and emissive of black means 0 emissive so the object needs to be lit up, i don't know the specifics of your project but nothing has changed with regards to that so the issue is your mistake most likely.

    I don't understand what you mean by the "same Q3D Master" and "same Q3D Objects". I need a minimal capx with the issue to see what's causing it. There are a lot of complex elements and i need a project that clearly demonstrates any bug, as it's not very obvious what was done to cause it and text posts don't do a good job explaining the issue, especially through a language barrier. All i can say is i tested switching between two layout and it works fine for me, so you must be doing something specific that I havent tried.

    In general changing layout is a bit iffy with Q3D Master, so it's a good idea to just have one object that's global if possible, since Q3D Master will never be destroyed in this case, preventing some weird things from happening. Make sure multiple Q3D Master never exist simultaneously.

  • Joannesalfa

    Modified RTS Template .capx

    Keep in mind it's kind of poorly done, i just did it quickly. It's basically 3D graphics slapped ontop of the RTS template.

  • why wouldn't it

  • I still can't reproduce it, please send me a .capx or i can't do anything about it.

  • Ralph

    Can you send me the .capx, that's a strange issue that i haven't run into, and i've created lots of objects, otherwise i can't help.