qngnht's Forum Posts

  • I found somethings about scaling on iPhone 6 plus : "For the iPhone 6 Plus, Apple has introduced even larger “3x” assets that are three times the size of things on non-Retina devices. This helps keep things visible on the larger, denser screen without making buttons and other tap targets too small to work with, and without stretching 2x assets out and making them blurry (though in these early days, most apps will be a little blurry anyway). To balance size with sharpness, Apple is doing something a little weird here. Rather than displaying things at the phone's native 1080p resolution, the iPhone 6 Plus is actually rendering a 2208×1242 image and downscaling it to 1080p."

    Should I need to make my images 3x or 4x bigger, I'm using 2x images ?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • My game works great on Crosswalk , with zoom in / zoom out, the images are sharp. But when I export my game to iOS Cordova in XDK. The game looks good at scale by 1, but it looks very blurry at scale by ~0.4 .I'm testing on iPhone 6Plus, the game images are sharp with zoom in / zoom out in Lan Preview on Safari. But after it exported, it's blurry if scale around 0.4 or below 1. Does it somethings wrong in XDK ? Did anyone encounter this issue ? Please help me ...

    P/S : Ipad mini 2 retina has same resolution of iPhone 6 plus, but ipad mini 2 retina images are very sharp.

  • I resolved this issue by adding 1 more block "NoMoreZoomIn"( an object name in my capx ) on the right to limit the right edge.

  • I limited the scale rate in some ways. But I meet another problem about aligning the layout( or layer ) of zooming in the center of the screen. Hope someone can help me ! I uploaded the capx as well.

    Here my capx : https://www.dropbox.com/s/x7yab7btwa5j3y2/zooming.capx?dl=0

    And the new post of this issue:https://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=147&t=150872

    Thank for helps.

  • I want to make zooming as game "Clash of Clan" or "Hay Day", I'm following the example "Touch - Zooming". If I set Unbound Scrolling - Yes as the that example, the layout will be zoomed in the center of the screen ( that I need in zooming ) but It can be panned away from edges. If I set Unbound Scrolling - No, I can't pan away from edges ( that I need in panning ) , but It can't zoom the layout in the center of the screen. Can someone help me with this please ? I'm so new with this feature. Thank for helps .

    Here my capx : https://www.dropbox.com/s/x7yab7btwa5j3y2/zooming.capx?dl=0

    P/S : I'm using Scale Outer ( no black bars ) , Letterbox Scale can't set fullscreen at all devices ( there will be black bars ).

  • My first game named "Ty Phu Chess" on Android and iOS. I put everything learned from C2 in that project.

  • Players from my game requested me to make it >.< I can't refuse it. People can do it, so we are.

  • Thank Yapi. I want to make zoom the game as the "Clash of Clan", but it will limit the minimum of scale if all the background was in the screen.

  • Hi. I have a layout size is 896x896 px and window size ( camera size ) is 568x320 px. I want to find a scale rate of layer to set all the background to fit in my window size ( camera size ) 568x320px. I'm following the example "Touch - Zoom " in C2. Normal scale is 1, and scale rate to set all the background to fit in window size around ~0.4, this scale rate is different among devices. I'm using "Scale Outer". Hope someone can help me ? I'm still very new in C2. Thank you

  • I checked all tips at https://www.scirra.com/manual/134/performance-tips .But the game still has crashes sometimes, when some sprites is moving or changing angle every tick or the game is saving, but I limited only one sprite can move or change angle value at a time. I'm using "Bullet" behavior to move, and "Sine" behavior to trigger and make a sprite move ping-pong. Can anyone help me please ? My game is using no physics and no collisions, I disabled all of them and no text objects or no textbox objects. After using an object, I destroyed it, every frames there are under 25 sprites on the screen with limitation of animation object is one at a time.

    • Can 9-patch object make any issues of performance ? I'm using it.
    • I have a 900x900 px background, I cut it to 4 sprites, 900x900 px each and scale it to 450x450 px to make the graphic sharp and clearer. Does it affect to performance ? Should I cut it to smaller pieces ?

    Thank for any helps !

  • I have a big question about Construct 2. Please confirm to me if Construct 2 can make a farming game as "Hay Day" or a building game as "Clash of clan" with full of animation like those games without crashes or good performance ? . These game run very well on my low phones, but my game in Construct 2 is not running well, even though It has very little animation and sprites memory - I wrote details on the top of the thread. I followed performance guides on this forum and fixed so many stuff to keep it run on my low phone devices, but sometimes It still has crashes, or I missed somethings. Please point me all the guide to help me fix my game performance. Thank you so much.

  • I think textbox object is as heavy as text object. Try to use Sprite fonts https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/684/ho ... rite-fonts

  • I fixed my delay issue in Android devices by javascript :

    I added following code in index.html

         function playAudio(){     
                var myAudio = new Audio("click.m4a"); 
    Then Call : Browers-> Execute Javascript("playAudio();");  in C2 everytime user click
    P/S: Can't use .ogg , I'm using .m4a instead.
    Hopefully someone can make it become a plugin in C2. It worked very great, even on slow Android devices.
  • I found the main reason which caused my game crashed. It's text object. I replaced all the text objects with sprite fonts , my game run with better fps and no more lags, crashes. I wonder how heavy a text object is ?

  • Today, i found some ways to fix my issue. The amount of images is not the main reasons, if I reduced the memory use of my game to 35 mb, it is still crashed, if in playing layout, ImageMemoryUsage is always under 21 mb, it still crashed. But if i didn't reduce memory use of images of the layout or the game, I limited the objects in playing layout always under 40 objects, no more crashes.