qaz1243qaz's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
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  • I signed up for fyber and contacted them without responding.

  • Has anyone used it??

    Many people on the Internet say leadbolt scammed me, is it true?

    Anyone have experience to share?

    Leadbolt seems to have a recommendation plan.

    Share this app developer referral link:

    Share this app advertiser referral link:

  • Many Leadbolt accounts on the network are suspended.

    is this real???


    ironSource vs Leadbolt ??

    pokkt monetization ecpm???

    Has someone used YouAppi ads? ecpm? good to use?

    YouAppi ecpm can't find the message at all...

    Not a famous ads mobile platform, there is very little information on the Internet...

    I hope someone can give me some advice~

    I Looking for a good reward video ad provider?

    It's better to be more famous or bigger.

    Thank you for your help~

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  • Has someone used YouAppi ads? ecpm? good to use?

  • Is anyone using the revmob SDK?

    Why can't I find the revmob SDK website?

    And can't create APP ID either?

  • I have a clear conscience. None maliciously clicking or displaying my ad.

    I complaint letter has been known for more than six months or longer.

    Why do I use vungle applovin chartboost at the same time.

    Only chartboost is suspended?

    Everyone own do judgment!

  • I share my personally real examples here.

    Cannot but believe network forum everyone written.

    Many Chartboost have also been suspended, although no violations have been made.

    I use applovin chartboost vungle, everyone recommended advertising network.

    I have no malicious clicks or brush ads.Only displayed several times during test integration, but without any clicks.despite this.

    When I reached $150 for Chartboost, I suddenly received a suspension notice.

    Notice I have other fraud accounts. accounts suspension.

    I can't believe I only have one account...

    I sent a letter of appeal and elaborated on the description. After several months, I never get responded.

    Say on the Internet .Is Chartboost a scam or Chartboost Suspended Accounts or Do not use chartboost !

    All the Internet friends actually happened, and now it's time for me to happen. I was cheated to go for $150 but the amount is small, but I'm really disappointed with Chartboost.

    Applovin Vungle I used it for a year and two months and never had a problem.Still in use.

    The reason I sent the article, I hope everyone will not be deceived.

    Many netizens are very good at taking out their own examples to share.

    Everyone use own eyes to see self have witnessed do judgment!

    Same as an APP developer.

  • 7 posts