Pythagoras's Forum Posts

  • Cool, that fixed it right up. Obviously I was just confused about how sub-events work.

  • I'm not sure why, but I'm having a problem with sub events that I can't quite wrap my head around. I'm trying to make a basic sort of myst style point and click control scheme, with animated transitions for moving and turning, and to do that I'm using a global variable to store the player's current camera position, and when a zone on the screen is clicked, it will play a specific animation and then update the player's position based on the value in that global variable.

    My problem is occuring in this little bit here (I'm just using the "player" object to visualize the player's direction on an overhead map, it doesn't really matter)

    When the player clicks on the left or right zones, he's supposed to turn to a different position. In the "BCam" position, everything works fine; it plays the transition from BCam to FCam perfectly, but when the player is in the FCam position, the game simply runs the actions as if he were in the BCam position instead, and looking in the debugger, I see that the position simply stays at FCam. At first, I thought it might be because I was using text instead of variables to store the player's position, but I tried it with a number scheme for each position, and got the same result. For some reason, the order of the sub-events makes a difference (if I flip the first 2 events, I get the opposite effect, where the FCam position works fine and the BCam position runs the FCam events), but as far as I can tell this shouldn't be happening.

  • So far, I've noticed a second long pause after a video finishes in Firefox and

    chrome for some reason, which makes testing a bit annoying, but I've had no issues at all when exporting with node webkit, which is the one I'm really worried about working smoothly, since I'd ideally like to try and get it on Steam. Thanks for all the answers guys!

    By the way, the project I'm working on is sort of a Myst clone, but I'm using real world photos and videos instead of pre-rendered graphics.

  • Good to know. Would it be better to have a single video object, and just change it's source file, rather than have multiple video objects in a single layout? Like I say, I'll only ever have a single video visible and playing at a time, so I'm not sure which is better.

    Thanks for answering my questions by the way; this is exactly the stuff I wanted to know.

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  • I'm targeting pc first and foremost; if I can get it running smoothly on mobile, I'll consider it a nice bonus.

    And yeah, I've been testing it out, and so far things seem pretty good. I'm just unfamiliar with how html5 handles video, so I'm worried I'll get some unforseen complications as I introduce longer, higher bitrate videos. If it's not at all an issue, then that's awesome, because I've always preferred construct over the alternatives.

  • I've been working on a multimedia heavy project, with dozens of video sequences in a 1280x720, webm format. The videos will be included with the finished product, so streaming isn't an issue for me. I'm only somewhat familiar with construct/html5, but I love the easy to use interface, so I'm hoping someone with more experience can tell me if construct is a good fit for a project like this, or if I'm asking too much, and should switch to a different engine.

    I figure it's best to ask about this sooner rather than later, so I'm not redoing everything.

    Edit: I should mention I'm using 4-5 videos per layout at the most, and I'll only have a single sequence playing at a time, but I figured it's still a good idea to ask.

  • There's no workaround, MP4 is a patent-encumbered format and since node-webkit is based on open-source code which hasn't paid any of the royalty fees, it can't support the patented formats. You need to encode your video to Theora or WebM. You need to do that anyway, for any platform, since for the same reason, not all web browsers or OSs support MP4.

    Ahh, alright, good to know. Thanks!

    There are obviously commercial programs that will convert to ogm/webm, but you could also try the free video player VLC from Videolan. It includes the facility to convert between many formats. Might worth a try.

    Ive been fiddling with VLC; I've got the quality issue sorted, but for whatever reason construct refuses to play the file. Is there maybe a specific bitrate, or codec I should be using? Right now I'm using the VP8 codec, and 2000 kb/s bitrate.

    Thanks for the replies!


    Nevermind, turns out I'm just a bit dense. I just now realized that ive been testing in IE this whole time, which I guess doesnt support webm

  • I've got a project on the go right now that uses .mp4 video files in various places, but I've found that when I export it using node-webkit, the videos stop working. Ive heard using webm or ogg works with node-webkit, but I haven't found a way to encode them from my .avi files without huge quality loss, or just flat out having construct refuse import them.

    So I'm hoping someone either has some advice for making a node-webkit project play .mp4 files, or if there's a reliable way to export ogg/webm for Construct 2, while maintaining quality.

  • Hey, so right now I'm running my game in portrait mode on mobile, and to compensate for different aspect ratios, I'm using "scale outer", and leaving a bit of overhang with my background on either side of the layout. My layout is 720x1280, and the window size is the same. The scaling works great, but I've found that the game window is aligned to the left side of the screen, when ideally it should be centered. Is there any way to change this?

  • Wow, that's a really clever solution. I would never have thought to reset the frame every step like that.


  • Quick example.

    All the sprites are in a Family called blue.

    EDIT - you'll need 0.9.99 to open it

    But, see, that still has the same problem. Since all my buttons are directly next to each other, mousing from one to another still causes both buttons to stay highlighted.

  • I tried that, but then when I mouse over from one button to another, the first one stays highlighted because the cursor is still over an object in the same family.

  • Like I said, I was hoping there was some way I could make it family wide, so I wouldn't have to set up events for each individual button.

  • So basically I want to assign all my UI buttons into a single family, then handle things like hovering over them and pressing them with a single string of events. I have it set to change the animation frame if the cursor is over it or not. Problem is, if I move my mouse off one button, and on to another, the cursor is still technically over an object in my "buttons" family, so the first button stays highlighted.

    Anybody who's done something like this have some advice on the matter? I have a lot of buttons, and having to set up these events for all of them individually is impossible.

  • The events work perfectly! Thanks!