PseudoCode's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts

    Buy only for me. Consider additional fees modules or major upgrades as they are rolled out.

  • Okay this should work. Unsubscribe from here:

  • Yea the unsubscribe is not working properly. I temporarily set up an email script to take any emails into a folder for deletion. I received 101 related emails from this user who is running this script/bot in 3 hours. Hope the Administrators can address this pronto!

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  • ugh this is getting ridiculous. please remove









  • Hey Again,

    Figured out that the 2010 version of VC++ Distribution Package is needed to install the referenced 32 bit DLL (MSVCP100.dll) into the WOW64 of Win 8.1 For anybody in the future getting tripped up on this one simply download and install the distribution package from Microsoft. ... px?id=5555

    I'm guessing that the original Spriter may have been created a few years back or using Visual Studio 2010 or 2012. Kudos to a Steam posting indicating an identical error (missing the MSVCP100.dll) for the fix.

    Now to start digging in!

  • Hi Everybody,

    Just bought a Construct 2 bundle including Spriter for my new Win 8.1 64 bit environment and when launching Spriter I get a System Error message box indicating that the "program can't start because MSVCP100.dll is missing from your computer."

    I plan to install Visual Studio 2k13 soon however I was wondering if I need to download a prior MS Visual C++ redistribution pack and if so which version to get Spriter up and running. Should I try the .NET Framework 4.5 package or the C++ 2010 Redistributable package for x68?

    Thank you in advance!

  • 6 posts