Prominent's Forum Posts

  • Problem Description

    Sprite has a height of 2 pixels. If you have Snap to Grid enabled, when you drag the side handle to resize only the width, it will also resize the height to 0 pixels.

    Attach a Capx!AhHSZHEulqh_gXRpC62zMW9CPFzl

    Description of Capx

    have a sprite with height of 2 pixels, and snap to grid enabled.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Click and drag the right resize handle (not the corner), so you only resize the width.

    Observed Result

    It inadvertently resizes the height.

    Expected Result

    It should keep the same height as before the drag.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO)
    • FireFox: (YES/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    vista sp2

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • After All Angel

    I just recently put up my new game on steam greenlight. It needs your vote. ... =839109247

    The game uses symbolism to express certain principles and ideas related to life and death. It is meant to provoke some thought about black and white, light and dark, and what may be found in between. It is based on some revelations I have had through my life, and represents a deep meaning for me.

    I also realize that in these cases where votes are cast, usually the creator behind the creation isn't considered- that people tend to look just at the surface and what is being presented. I know it may look confusing, but there is a deeper message to it all. I hope that I can gain your support. This game will be small, but its success will bring bigger things.


  • One way might be using a loop

    System > For

    start index 0,

    end index 1

    Object > Overlap at offset

    Offset X: loopindex=0?-100:100

    another way

    If your collision polygons for the objects are just boxes you could maybe do:

    System > Compare Two Values:

    first value: object1.bboxright+100>object2.bboxleft&object1.bboxleft-100<object2.bboxright

    comparison: =

    second value: 1

    • Post link icon

    R0J0hound , I thought that was the case- but it wasn't working. I restarted Construct2 and it worked.. So I guess there is some bug somewhere that stops the editor from functioning correctly. I also noticed some other strange things like not being able to change properties of objects. I have no idea on how to reproduce the bug though- I have encountered it several times in the past.

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    fuego96 , that doesn't select all instances of an object in the editor.

    • Post link icon

    I tried to looking for a Select All command to select all instances of an object in the editor, but I was surprised that there isn't this ability. Can we get this in C3 if not C2?

    edit: seems like I encountered a bug that prevents the editor from functioning correctly.

  • Gigatron , that doesn't fix the issue. It still gets messed up when scrolling. The pixelated effect needs to pan with the scroll position.

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  • Gigatron ,!AhHSZHEulqh_gXNbRY9jc_ihjpvv

    There's an example of the issue.

  • When C3 gets released- If C3's plugin abilities are as improved as people are led to believe, I would expect someone to make a 3d plugin for it to take advantage of whatever new features there are.

    But you probably will not want to wait until then.

    Disadvantages to visual scripting would be that you might not get all the flexibility you'd get from regular code. However if it is implemented well, that shouldn't be a problem, unless the engine itself has limitations.

  • adcornaglia , I only use this Chipmunk physics plugin now- I don't use the default physics. This plugin has a lot more features.

  • I thought it might be easier to edit the Pixellate effect instead of the Hexagonal, but I still can't seem to figure it out.

    // Pixellate effect
    varying mediump vec2 vTex;
    uniform lowp sampler2D samplerFront;
    uniform mediump float pixelWidth;
    uniform mediump float pixelHeight;
    uniform mediump float tilesize;
    uniform mediump vec2 scrollPos;
    void main(void)
    	mediump vec2 tilecount = vec2((1.0 / pixelWidth) / tilesize, (1.0 / pixelHeight) / tilesize);
    	mediump vec2 tile = vec2(1.0 / tilecount.x, 1.0 / tilecount.y);
    	mediump vec2 halftile = tile / 2.0;
    	mediump vec2 offset = mod(scrollPos,tilesize);
    	offset.x = pixelWidth*offset.x;
    	offset.y = pixelHeight*offset.y;
    	mediump vec2 tex = floor((vTex-offset) / tile) * tile + halftile;
    	gl_FragColor = texture2D(samplerFront, tex);
  • I need to fix the hexagonal pixellate effect- when the screen scroll, the effect doesn't take this into account so the effect goes crazy when the screen scrolls.

    I need help figuring out how to apply either the viewOrigin or the scrollPos to compensate for the scrolling.

    I imagine I'd have to add something like mod(scrollPos,scale) to some value, but it isn't clear to me where exactly, or which value, etc..

  • Anyone have a fix for this? I'm trying to use the hexagonalpixelate effect and it is change when scrolling.

  • encountered this error message when dealing with this bug:

  • How do I get rid of the dark shadowing around edges? The sprite consists of just 0,0,255 blue pixels with transparency. Why is there black showing? I use Alphaclamp effect on the layer.