Project Wildcare's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Sorry i meant character dimensions

  • Hi!! Here's the stuff you requested:

    Spritefont PNG:

    Current spacing string:


    [6, "',.:;|"], [7, "l"], [8, "!()1I[]`ij"], [9, "\"=\\f{}"], [10, "+/02356789?ABCEFGHKLOPSTUVYZ_abcdeghknoprstuvxyz"], [11, "-4<>DJNQRXq~",], [12, "#$*@MWmw"], [13, "%&^"]


    I'm not very sure what you mean by X by Y though...

  • Hi! Thank you so much for helping me out :)

    I have tried out what you have suggested, but the spacing data is still rather weird... like the character height and width values override the spacing data... Is it possible to resolve this? Thank you :)

  • Hi! Sorry if I am bringing up a topic that has been mentioned for quite a few times already, but I am currently encountering some errors with Spacing Data. How do I get Spacing Data to override the Character Width and Height attributes?

    Furthermore, is this the correct format?


    [6, "',.:;|"], [7, "l"], [8, "!()1I[]`ij"], [9, ""=\f{}"], [10, "+/02356789?ABCEFGHKLOPSTUVYZ_abcdeghknoprstuvxyz"], [11, "-4<>DJNQRXq~",], [12, "#$*@MWmw"], [13, "%&^"]


    Thank you in advance for all the help!

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  • Ohh I see, I think I got it!! Thankkkk you :)

  • Hi! Currently, (with reference to image) I am trying to use text content of SpriteFont to execute my commands. However, whichever choice I make when I preview my project, it always ends up with the first command, and completely skips the second even if I choose the text which fits the condition.

    So then, how do I make it such that when I choose the relevant SpriteFont, it will bring me to the relevant layout?

    Thank You :)

  • 6 posts