procrastinator's Forum Posts

  • Aha! I knew it'd be so obvious I'd kick myself! Nice one again mate!

  • Was just about to reply to JUK saying his method wasn't working and noticed ROJO's, so thought I'd give that a try before I replied. IT WORKED! Nice one man. Bit weird that it's Create(), as that's not listed in the Functions list box on the right in the Python editor. Ah well..

    Cheers for replying too JUK. Would still like to know your method as I'd probably find it useful to call a Construct Function from within Python... nothing I tried worked.

    eg. Construct -> On Function "blah"

    Python -> blah()

    Doesn't work..

  • Did anyone get this working? I want to create a sprite dynamically from Python but I'm getting the same error as Zack0.

    I have a sprite object on the layout named Sprite.

    In Python I have the following code - System.CreateObject(Sprite, 1, 50, 50)

    I've also tried - spr = System.CreateObject(Sprite, 1, 50, 50) , in case it returns the object created or something. I've even tried CreateObjectByName with quotations.. nothing works. Any ideas?

  • You can create a ticket on the tracker and tick 'private' - that way only developers will see it.

    The developers are known to steal logos (ref: Stencyl) so I wouldn't trust them with your work


  • Ahh cheers man. works now. Ironically, after I posted here

  • Been away for a while. Checked the site now and then and have tried to log into the chat multiple times without success. Just thought it was bad timing, but now it's the same thing? Bad timng is once or twice, but for the 6th or 8th time? =D

    I can see what people have typed before I log in, but anything I type isn't being registered... anyone else having this problem?

  • newt:

    the first 50secs.. is that her? ;P

  • hahah That's why I hate working in retail

    I worked in a computer showroom many years ago. We had this Asian guy who was quite regular with his PC problems.. we helped him but weren't meant to as we were only meant to be selling the computers. Our tech support was a premium line where the wait time was like 40mins+ so yeah they were being charged per minute on hold! Anyway, this guy phones up one day and speaks to my colleague..

    him: "My keys are missing"

    colleague: "Your keys are missing? What do you mean?"

    him: "They're gone"

    colleague: "Your keyboard is missing?"

    him: "No. Just the keys"

    ... after about 15mins if this kinda ********* my colleague finally finds out he meant the letters on a few keys had faded!

    Another threatened to sue the company because he cut his finger while opening a machine

  • Try Construct 3

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    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • This might help..

    Worth a try..

  • Link is dead?

    Works for me.

  • Not seen the vids yet but the screengrab is enough.. serial killers usually start with animals and I doubt it would've been long before this idiot killed that cat and moved onto something else. It's good the cat is safe now.. but what about him? He'll get a slap on the wrist. and his daddy will probably make some donation so it's forgotten about..

    Anyway, sol, I reckon you should add him into your Tonks game so we can all smash him around the terrain!

    edit> "NEVERFORGETDUSTY.COM Reports: Jan Stratton is the Director of News at KSWO the local news channel which is updating all the others (except they haven't bothered). Funny that because in small town Lawton (home to the Glenns) Jan Stratton is married to Judge William (Bill) Stratton and they and their little circle of legal and business types just happen to be best friends with....yes you guessed it the Glenns!"

    ..well there you go..

  • Maybe it's a typo! He could mean 10... or 1000 ;p

  • Looking nice so far!

  • Play around with spring force in the physics behaviour. That should give you nice results.. it might take some experimenting though