PrinceAlden's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
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    Oh that would be fantastic. Thank you guys for the information! I really appreciate it.

  • Try Construct 3

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    I've actually been a little curious about my forward steps. For instance, I have the personal license for C2; if I were to finish the game I'm currently working on and have been for the last year or so, and want to sell it... don't I need an upgrade to my license?

    I don't use any plugins or add-ons or any thing, so if I HAD to port over to C3, is the transition a one-to-one? I'd hardly imagine that's the case, but if it is, that'd be fine I suppose.

    What do you guys think would be my best recourse? Thanks!

  • I know someone has to have a capx of a working water tilemap simulation. I've seen it posted before with broken links. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • I've been searching for days in the forums for tilemap, tilebased, water flowing movement. The affect I'm looking for would be basically what Terraria does with settled and flowing water. If you dig a block around it, it would resettle to its next spot, moving downhills, and other water movement essentials. So far, I've come across posts for about cellular automata (which seems close to my needs), flood fill, etc.

    I've searched the forums here high and low to find a good capx for this example. I have found some capx downloads, but the link is always broken with a 404. Would someone be kind enough to upload an example of this that I could reference?

  • Awesome, thanks for your response. I'll either have to look for it in the store or wait until I get home from my wedding to find the license. Thanks again for the quick response!

  • I own multiple computers and would like to program on all of them since I am not always at my main PC. For instance I am on my laptop in a different city right now and would like to continue working on my project but only have the free version available. Is there any way I can go about resuming work?

    Thanks in advance!

  • 6 posts