prawnsushi's Forum Posts

  • [quote:3ua2xa1e]

    Actualy, I'm making an advent calendar composed of little games.

    Ah, nice idea

    I'm more a Survival horror/Adventure/RPG/weird stuff kind of guy

    So i'm trying to make some survival horror, inspired by Clock Tower (snes). So, it's not a ghost shooter remake xD , and it's side view.

    Actually, it'll probably be more adventure/horror, i don't even plan on making weapons. Never been a fan of shooting games.

    Ok, it's my 1st game, so don't expect miracles I know what i want though, but now i've run into a dumb 3DBox clipping issue -_- Goota fix that or hide it...

  • Ok i see

    I don't know if it's the best way, but i'd do it like this :

    + MouseKeyboard: On Left mouse button Clicked
               -> Sprite3: Destroy
               -> System: Create object Sprite3 on layer 1 at (MouseX, MouseY)[/code:pzg7w1fp]
    You can check the attribute "destroy at startup" on Sprite3.
    If you want to spawn multiple objects, just remove the destroy line.
  • Yup, that's what i was talking about.

    I never played much breakout style games...

    Are you working on something else now?

  • Do you use drag and drop behavior?

    Can you post a cap? Its kinda hard to figure what you mean :

    My guess is the charracter needs physics behavior too...

  • I can't seem to get the flash example working...

    I installed the required libraries but it just says some error about dispatch...

    <img src="">

    And then "name flash is not defined", though i specified a valid path/file ...

    I'm really interested by this example for my day job...

    Can you please help?


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  • [quote:2h9o54hz]It's cool to be called Kan. People do never call me like that though I want them to do so!

    It's the only name i know you by...

    I tried the game, and it's nice, but i really suck at playing it... xD

    That tiny ball got me all "WTF"!

  • About the bones behavior :

    If you want to make a character, you have to create a sprite for each limb, like head, torso, left arm, right arm, etc... Assemble them on the scene but maybe keep some distance between each limbs.

    Then give the bone behavior to the torso and enter edit mode. In properties, click on "add".Now click on the limb you want to attach to the torso, maybe the head

    Next, you have to select where you want to place the pivot point. For the head, you might want to click on the base of the neck. Maintain the left click and drag the pivot to the torso.

    You can now either do that for every limb or try some animation.

    Click and drag the handle to rotate the head.

    To create an animation frame you have to click on Keyframe frame one and select new. Rotate the head again to choose another position.

    Now try to switch between frame 1 and 2 in the keyframe list. Both are recorded.

    Click on close and launch the preview, the animation should play.

    You can add different animation in the bone editor, like jump, etc., and control them by events.

    You can also modify existing frames. Now it doesn't matter if you move the limbs anywhere on the scene, because they will go back to the torso at runtime.

    Now one thing i don't know is how to delete a bone...

    EDIT : Found out how to delete a bone : Place your pointer on the bone and press del... dumb me u_u Tried Ctrl cick and all lol

    I learned all this by looking at this example :

    Now good luck to make some animations I hope i helped a bit...

  • I think you have to add physics behaviour to the ground object and select 'immovable'.

  • Ok thanks

  • It's ok, because my 1st try in construct was like 100% the same as this video...

    THAT is an epic fail lol

    Didn't see this vid before though... nvm.

  • There are multiple ways to do this.

    In construct :

    Double click on your sprite, it will open the image editor.

    If the background is only filled with 1 color, use the magic wand tool to select it, and then press del.

    If there are multiple colors, a drawing, whatever, you'll have to use the eraser tool. Set opacity to 255 so that the erased parts will be 100% transparent. Set the size to whatever you need. You know what to do next.

    Close the editor and it will prompt to save.

    Or if your image is not in construct, open it with any image editor you like (gimp?) and proceed just as written above. Save the file as .PNG to keep the transparency, then import in construct.

  • [quote:35qgu5o8]stell dir mal vor ich w?rde die ganze Zeit deutsch reden

    Essayez d'imaginer si je parlais allemand tout le temps

    Thanks Google hehe

    I used Else here too :

      + Balle: On collision between Balle and BricBrique
            + BricBrique: Pick closest to: Balle.X, Balle.Y
            + BricBrique: Value 'hitme' Less or equal 5
                -> BricBrique: Add 1 to 'hitme'
                -> BricBrique: Set animation to BricBrique.Value('hitme')
            + System: Else
            + BricBrique: Value 'hitme' Greater than 5   <== EDIT : i think this line can be removed
                -> System: Add 1 to global variable 'briques'
                -> BricBrique: Destroy[/code:35qgu5o8]
    Anything wrong with it? I just wanna know if i can improve this. I like to keep the code very short, if possible.
  • Je pense que c'est normal.

    If everyone here were writing in their native tongue, how could we help each other out?


    The events order things is weird, but anyway, if it works I won't complain.

    It's true it appears more logical to put them in numerical order. But then, like i said, all conditions will be true, one after the other. But on screen, you will only see the last result : the brick disappears, because all actions are performed ultra fast. Like superman reading a book xD

    [quote:202yr8mi]Thank you for helping!

    NP, it helps me to learn Construct too

  • [quote:29r6cd7w]Hey, toi aussi t'es francophone?

    De la t?te aux pieds!

    [quote:29r6cd7w]'Til now it works! Thanks a bunch!

    ...I didn't know 'pick closest' condition...

    Heh, that's cool You got a hell lot of events in there, though !

    And it wasn't working because, you wrote them in order '1,2,3...", and from what i've read around here, events are executed one after the other. In your case, 0 was true, so you switch animation to 1. But then the next event (animation is 1) is true too, so it switches to anim 2, and so on... I've seen a similar case around the forums here So all you have to do is reverse the events...

    [quote:29r6cd7w]Though, I don't see how I could use families. Since there are three kinds of brick, and that each of them is destroyed after a different number of hits, I think it'd be hard to get family events to work properly. :-/

    Actually, i don't know either Haven't tried it in your game. It's probably OK the way it is now, as long as it works, it's ok I guess XD

  • This will be a nice game

    I'll just say this :

    If you stay on the platform before the boss, it will detect you and come underneath, and then you can kill it very easily by shooting downward...

    Wouldn't it be better maybe to make him destroy that platform or something?