Powerfinger's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • Ah! Yes! Thanks!

  • I have a text box with a number of parameters preset, and I like the look of it. I'd like to copy/reuse this textbox for other elements in the game, but when I use CTRL-C, then CTRL-V, the newly pasted textbox has the same name as the original. When I edit the "Name" parameter of this new textbox (to make it, it's own), the name of the source/original textbox gets changed to the new name as well.

    Is there a way to Paste without the same name, or a way to "de-couple" copied elements?


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  • That solved it!!

    Thank you!

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm relatively new to Construct, but am a quick learner, and loving it so far.

    I've created a game that is almost complete, and runs fine locally and in debug, everything works as it should... however after I publish it to my website, and run it (of course I've copied all media files over), the game runs fine, but there is no sound when running off my webserver! Running in Chrome locally no problem, running in Chrome from my remote server, no sound.

    Any tricks/tips would help, not sure where to start.



  • 4 posts