I don't think you can put anything over the avi object, it will always be on top.
Add them in resources by right clicking folders in project window. They will be saved inside exe when it's built.
Try this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4322334/test.cap
The bug has something to do with the objects height.
Platform behavior seems to be messed up.
cap built with 0.99.62
same cap built with 0.99.84
(just watch them awhile)
As the title says, great and free 3D sculpting tool.
Well, i've never needed it...
This spawns objects outside layout in a ring, pointing to the center of the layout.
If you are using ball behavior, then using angle(sprite.x,sprite.y,mousex,mousey) will point it towards mouse.
System -> Math -> Distance between points
if dude collides with door
+value "keys" = 0
--> bounce
+value "keys" = bigger than 0
--> destroy door
--> subtract 1 from "keys"
try something like that.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I can see all three boxes without changing resolution...
You can use global variables to carry information over layouts.
Add this action under always or something:
-> Text: Set text to Text.Value('Variable 1')
Current text and private variable you are adding to are two different things.
Use Destroy action under misc.
It seems to work if you put the "bird_area" into container with "bird". You can also remove the event that spawns "bird_area", since it already gets created with "bird".