PopperOfCorn's Forum Posts

  • Are you using a tilemap? If so, then the problem is most likely the scaling of the game to the canvas. Is "Seamless mode" set to "On" in the tilemap's properties?

  • ...because it's awesome


  • The problem is most likely the difference in PPI between mobile and PCs. As you probably know, the size of the text/sprites is measured in pixels. However, the number of pixels per inch is monstrously different between the two platforms, ie. my laptop computer has a resolution of 1280 x 800 on a 13" screen, while my Samsung Galaxy Tab S has 2560 x 1600 pixels on a 10.5" screen.

    One solution would be to have an event "On Start of Layout" with the action HUDElement > Set Size (insert something like the device's PPI * the desired width in inches, & the same thing for the height) combined with the anchor behavior.

    The device's PPI might be derived from an expression similar to "System.WindowWidth / System.OriginalWindowWidth".

  • You're welcome

    The reason it does that is because when the first wall collision happens, the enemy starts moving the other way, not touching the wall anymore, but then the next tick the enemy mirrors itself, and is now touching the wall again, making it move the OTHER way, and un-mirroring itself, and the process repeats. Hope the pictures help.


    P.S. The blue dot is the enemy's origin point, the red arrow indicates the direction of the enemy's movement, and the green box is the wall collision happening.

  • I have a feeling that the problem is your origin points. Make sure they are in the exact center horizontally. It shouldn't matter where they are vertically.

    In the image editor, when editing the image points, right click on the image with the origin selected and choose Quick Assign > bottom.


  • Try Construct 3

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  • The reason MS skipped Windows 9 is because some computer programs, when trying to figure out the capabilities, reads your computer's OS, and when the string comes to the program, if it equals "Windows 9" then the program assumes that the OS is either Windows 95 or 98, then assumes that your computer is really old, and won't install.

  • Awesome! this is just what I've been looking for!

  • Hi all,

    The C2 User Manual is missing the Browser-Vibrate entry.

    if the person in charge of the manual could put that in, it would be very helpful.

    Thanks in advance!

  • If the player or the player's bullet hits the enemy, and the enemy has health, then some red text should appear above it showing how much damage was inflicted.

    Also, when the player runs into a powerup, it is a good idea to make him jump a tiny bit even if he's not touching the ground.

  • First of all, what do you mean by contact graphics, powerup acquisition, and save game effects?

    For explosions I normally use an animated sprite object, although I have used particles in the past.

    The difference between them is that particles basically look like a big mayhem of any colors in it's image, however you can put lots of randomness in with them like X, Y, speed, size, grow rate, etc. , while sprites can have a more realistic look to them, but the only random attributes you can put in with them are things like angle and size. However you do it, though, I recommend using the "Additive" blend mode for any plasma or energy based objects.

    P.S. FX are one of my favorite things to work with too

  • If someone with insufficient rep tries to post a URL and someone else quotes that person, then the URL doesn't get removed from the quote.

  • I use GIMP and Inkscape, though GIMP not as much; one of Inkscape's strengths is that you can make multi colored fonts with it by putting text through filters, then exporting a bitmap.

  • Hello,

    My name is Nathan, I am 14.62191 years old today, and how I started with Construct 2 began with the LEGO Mindstorms NXT; I began making games with it, then I started to look for ways to make games on the PC, didn't like GameMaker, found C2, and was hooked.

  • R0J0hound: I have found a bug - it won't let me paste layers containing tilemaps.