podpathos's Forum Posts

  • I was reading about steering behavior and thinking about best way to implement it and I realize that pursuit may be used for predictive aim.

    1. calculate lookahead value - distance/total speed: a)for enemy total speed is player.speed + enemy.speed, b)for bullet total speed is player.speed + enemy.speed + bullet.speed

    2. predict future position of target: a) player.position + player.velocity * lookahead

    3. fire bullet at bullet lookahead/add velocity in direction of enemy lookahead

    hold left mouse button for enemy to start to move

    (at first if i set enemy to follow its lookahead he complitly disappeard...but now for some strange reason everything works well)

    events are mess, my english too

    Pursuit and pursuit based predicitive aim


  • Thanks for quick response Yann (as usual). But I just cant understend it <img src="smileys/smiley7.gif" border="0" align="middle">. I need two separete "screens" for two players all the time - no parallax, but I just cant figure out how repositioning of Canvas works. Here is cap

  • Hi,

    is possible to make split screen via R0J0hound's Canvas plugin in C2? I know Lucid's exemple in CC but I can't recreate it, because I dont understant it <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Thanks, there are so many great things (to learn) in just fifteen events. Now I can (start and) finish something.

  • Hi,

    a few months ago I tried to make grid movement in CC, and Yann was helped me with his idea, but there was several problems and no time to finish... I succeeded partly to solve problem, but when the direction od gravity is 90 or 270 left and right direction of movement are replaced.



  • Problem is caused by zooming out, if layer scale is 1 - default, then everything is ok... I think that has nothing to do whit Construct 2, that happens also in PhostoShop when you zooming in and out, scaling can't be pixel perfect I guess.

    But what about "TilesetBackground", I think that would make life much easier.

  • i try that but there is no difference...here is cap (supposed to be for competition...not enough time...i will delete it after you check it)

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  • I use combination of Sptites and Tiled Background to lay down tileset - create level, and this problem ocures

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37009800/problem%20example.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37009800/problem%20example%203x%20zoom.png" border="0" />

    everything is snaped to grid. There is no space between sprites/tiles, but when Constuct renders them small gap appears.

    Beside of that I have one suggestion for some kind of "Tileset Background" object, something like combination of Tiled Background object and the way Panel object from CC works. First you import basic tileset, define tile size, and istead of stretching cener tile it just copy it... Here is basic idea:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37009800/TilesetBackground.jpg" border="0" />

  • Problem is caused by Adobe Fireworks CS5 as default program for opening PNG files. When I changed default program to Paint they show up again.

  • For some reasong icons are not shown, but you can click on the space where they supposed to be and call them.

  • I cant access Image point window in Image editor. Also there is no icon for the colision polygons(Release 63 - 64bit).

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37009800/2.jpg" border="0" />

  • I follow your way of creating grid movement but there is some problem with it. After one step is over and xMove is set to 0 again, sprite is back at the begining, or few pixels ahead. I cant find what is causing problem. Here is cap

  • Man, this is beautifull!!!

    Right from the start I gave up custom grid movement, because Im not so good constructor, but with this it's there. Then I try to figure out one function for all gravity directions for days and eventualy I gave up that too, and I do it manualy - I needed to see will the game concept work. Thanks again!

    Yes characters can jump, and each of them use Grid Movement Behavior. They can jump up, lef or right. Jump Up - 2 cells up and different animation is playing, jump from place left/right 4 cels horizontaly, jump from sprint 8 cels horizontaly (they dont fall if there is no ground until movement is finished). Think of Prince of Persia or Flashback style of movement. Character can exist only at one of predefined positions at time and its predefined set of states, and cant change that state while curent state does something, or can again in some of predefined conditions.

    If you are interested in some basic Flashback concept stuff you can find it here


  • Solved - MovEnt.Value('Step')

    I did not know that it can be entered manualy...

  • I am trying to make grid-movement sidescroller. Player and enemies all use grid mevement behavior but with diferent settings... Beside of that Player can change direction of gravity, so same input can have diferent actions (vertical or horizontal, +1 grid size or -1 grid size), and some enemies can walk on wals. I can make each of this movements separatly, but I wonder if I can make something like one Global Movement Entity function, so that this function can be called from each object who have grid movement with different settings that are then sent to this function.

    If I include all moving entites in to family MovEnt, can I then do something like this:

    for enemies something like -

    Bad.X < Player.X --- set Bad.Value('Step') to 1

                     --- Call function "MoveHor"

    Player -

    Left Arrow is down --- set Player.Value('Step') to -1

                       --- Call function "MoveHor"

    ...and so on...

    On fuction "MoveHor" --- MovEnt: Move MoveEnt.Value('Step') horizontaly

    I cant access MoveEnt private variables in "move X steps horizontaly" field of MoveEnt grid movement behavior... Is there some other way to do something like this? (sorry for bad english)