Pode's Forum Posts

  • Sithdown : to load an HTML file inside the iframe plugin, and have it exported to .exe, you need to add that file inside the "Files" section of the project, under "Music".

  • Laurent : since Baker is basically a tree of html files, you can freely add the canvas webapp generated by C2 inside any of the pages of Baker.

    Did you encounter any problem with it ?

  • I updated the post in the dev section, with a new version that handles minification properly. No more bugs !


  • Kyatric, All : first post updated, new release which handles minification nicely.

  • delgado :

    1. if you save your levels in localStorage/Webstorage, yes.

    2. This should work everywhere, since it's entirely done in javascript.

  • Kyatric : argh ! As always, I forgot about minification ! It's workign without it. So, I'll grab a sandwich, take a lunck break, and post an update <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />.

  • <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/Base32kDemo/demo.png" border="0">

    Here's a quick demo of a plugin I made : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/Base32kDemo/index.html

    I won't enter in the technical details (they are on the plugin dev thread : http://www.scirra.com/forum/pluginbase32k-unpack-localstorage-spacesaver_topic56155_post350451.html#350451), but to sum it up : that plugin helps you to store text strings more efficiently on disk.

    When you have a game with lots of strings (for example a visual novel), using text files or XML files, you can use that plugin to pack the text (on the final user disk, or on your server), and unpack it when needed.

    You can also use it to pack base64 image string when you need to save them.

  • Update : use version 1.1, which allows minification ! :


    Here's a plugin to deal with the problem of unsufficient space storage (localStorage or WebDB/variants).

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/Base32kDemo/demo.png" border="0">

    When you use a lot of base64 strings (when switching images, for examples), saving them, sending them over the network, you have an overhead (since binary => base64 conversion can add up to 33% space used by the data).

    Saving them on disk is also a problem after some time.

    If you have a game (say, a visual novel) that uses a lot of text (XML or plain text, by the way), you also need to save a lot of text strings.

    This plugin use a nice property of Javascript strings. In fact, all Javascript Strings uses UTF-16 internally (or UCS-2, if you want to be more precise, depending on what side of psychorigidity you are). That means that two bytes are use internally to represent one character (so two bytes used to represent one byte => one byte is lost each time).

    Since non-latin alphabet are displayed with Unicode (UTF-16), you can do the same conversion that base64 does, but instead of going from binary data to latin alphabet, you go from binary data to asiatic characters !

    (That means you don't lose a byte every two bytes internally).

    So instead of loosing 33% more space in the worst case, you only loose around 3 or 4 percents...

    It's usefull when you want to save a string ondisk. PAck it with this Base32k plugin. When you want to use it back, load it, unpack it with this plugin, and *hop* it's done !

    The demo : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/Base32kDemo/index.html

    The plugin : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/Base32kDemo/pode_base32k.1.0.zip

    The .capx : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/Base32kDemo/Base32kDemo.capx

    This plugin is made with the help of this codebase : https://github.com/simonratner/base32k

  • Laurent : do you need the multiply effect between an image and a color, or between two images ?

  • Ashely : by the way is it possible to add the loading of Audio object by using a base64 string to the regular audio object ?

  • All : I'm under the NDA about the iOS 6 SDK, but I won't break anything by saying it's not supported in the upcoming new iOS version (since it wasn't announced as one of the new features during the WWDC).

    If you jailbreak the phone, however, you can activate WebGL for all the WebViews.

  • Since some of us are perhaps afraid to dive inside the 'Dev' section, I'm posting here a quick summary of a behavior I've made : ImageEffects and TextOnSprite.

    You can find the original thread here : http://www.scirra.com/forum/behavior-sprite-effects-inject-text-on-sprite_topic51516_post324649.html#324649

    With that behavior attached to a Sprite, you can apply Image Effects to the image of the Sprite, and keep the effect.

    Since everything is done in Javascript (contrary to a WebGL Shader), it can take a bit more time on larger images. The idea is then to use it on a loading screen (you can then apply an effect "in the background").

    On "small" images, it works fast : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/NewEffectsDemo6/index.html (although, for the sake of your CPU, I wouldn't use it on all ticks... <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">).

    Here's the .capx of that demo, to see how it's done : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/NewEffectsDemo6/NewEffectsDemo6.capx (here's the behavior : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/NewEffectsDemo6/pode_textOnImageAndImageEffects.1.8.zip. Don't forget to put it inside the behavior folder !).

    Some of the effects :

    • save the image (to remove the effects...)
    • pixelate :

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/NewEffectsDemo6/demo2.png" border="0">

    • blur :

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/NewEffectDemo5/demo.png" border="0">

    • change RGB value (with tolerance) :

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/NewEffectDemo5/demo2.png" border="0">

    • grayscale, edges, color tint (with white pixel respect or not), noise, rotate color channels (on the left or on the right side), emboss, sharpen, sepia, RGB2BGR, negative (with white pixel respected or not)

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1412774/NewEffectsDemo/demo.png" border="0">

    • inject text on image

    Comments & critics are welcomed, of course <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • To use KinectJS, you must install an app on the machine, that read the data from the Kinect, and serve it on localhost, for the JS part to read it. It's not going to work "like taht" on any machine without installing that.

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  • All : first post updated. Works on Safari too.

    Added Simple Blur and Change RGB.

  • teahousemoon : As a plugin maker for C2, I can explain somewhat why Ashley isn't integrating what's done by the community (apart from bug report/tests) inside the main C2 product.

    First, as SullyTheStrange said, there's legal issues. Since in some of my plugins I'm using open sourced work (in various licenses) to do the job, that implies getting the clearance from all the contributors (some of them aren't on the web anymore, are dead, are in another company, etc...). The legal implications are to deep for a startup like Scirra to enter that mined playing field...

    The second problem is that Ashley is already super busy and overwhelmed by the maintenance of his own codebase, his features and all. It's already difficult to keep a whole programming model in his own head when everything is made by you, it's even harder to maintain code made by somebody else. Too much risky...