playerelite's Forum Posts

  • The reason why I need this update :p

    and my working server and game :D

    Controls : click to target, Ctrl (left) to attack, escape to cancel

    Thanks so much scidave, good luck :p

  • Hello,

    DirectX textbox are very bad, is there any way to use custom textbox ?

    Thanks in advance


  • Hi playerelite I remember we talked in PM's about this issue I think, still need help with this?

    No, thanks i've fixed my problem with "pick by comparaison"

  • Just a heads up, I'm back to updating this plugin. I'm using Visual Studio 2012 and getting ready to upgrade the ENET core to 1.3.6 which adds a ton of bug fixes. Currently running into some odd behavior with the plugin crashing so I might have to start from scratch to figure out what is up. Just bought another laptop to help with debugging too.

    Plan is to get plugin correctly working targeted at Win8 - Winxp, update to ENET 1.3.6 base, and then release with no new functionality. At that point will have to rely on users to help me figure out where this illusive bug is. I hope to have new release sometime in Jan.

    Awesome, thanks a lot scidave :D

    But, will i have to recode all my game ?

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  • Nobody can help me <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> ?

  • Hmm, i use the Network Plugin, so what I want to do is a system to check if the ship of the user is already on map and if the ship isn't on map then make the ship.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Full size :

  • Hello !

    I have a problem, I've made an event with the condition "For each object", my code is :

    For each object "SHIPS"
       "SHIPS" value 'username' not equal to "test" -> Create object SHIPS

    But not work as I want, what I want it's construct check for each object "ships" the variable 'username' not equal to "test" and if no ships have this variable value, create an object SHIPS

    I don't know how to do that (and I want to do it without using variables like : ship_spawn: ok etc...)

    Regards, player.elite.

  • Just by replacing GetToken(Network.PacketData,1,"accountUsername") by GetToken(Network.PacketData,1,":")

  • I've fix all of mine bugs ^^

    But scidave, can you make an update of the plugin because start game as XP compatibility is not the best ^^

  • I need help for something,

    I've make an account system, work great, and for the spawn system i've do that :

    -> On packet type ("spawn")

    -> SHIP('username') different to global('username')

    -> SHIP_2('username') different to GetToken(Network.PacketData,1,":")

    DO : SHIP_2 create object at X, Y

    SHIP_2 set value username to GetToken(Network.PacketData,1,":")

    Work great if they are only 2 ships on the map, if they are more than 2 ships, when the 3st ship_2 join the map, he make lot of ship_2 because the condition (SHIP_2('username') different to GetToken(Network.PacketData,1,":") work with only 1 SHIP_2, i've try to place SHIP_2 in the family ENEMY and do : ENEMY('username') different to GetToken(Network.PacketData,1,":") but do the same)

    How to fix it ?

  • For me, the example shooter when I tried it the first time, it worked great. Me and my friend both had winxp(I'm pretty sure, but not to 100%).

    Later, when I made my own example(now on win7) it didn't work anymore(it was the same .exe, I didn't recompiled it). So I tried the perfect working example from scidave and look deeper in the cap to determine the error I made. But it also didn't work anymore. Me and my friend needed to run on compatibility mode. That worked to both, the old .exe and a newer recompiled .exe from scidaves example shooter.

    Also, me and Wolod ran the game and he has winxp. He just started the game.exe and connected to my pc via hamachi or real ip, not sure. It worked. I'm almost sure, setting only the server to compatibilimode didn't work. At least, my game.exe needed it too.

    I really hope, this plugin runs stable anyday, so I can use it for any of my projects. I would even donate if someone makes a stable network plugin with a few features to determine the players via ID etc.^^

    Work ! Thanks ;)

    But i've a question, if the guys who play the game don't start it with XP compatibility, does they will flood my server by sending a lot of packets ? If yes, how to kick clients who send too much packets ?

    EDIT : And i have a bug, when the username or password contains the letter "n", username or password isn't send correctly (for example : if i choose the username "unknow", my username will be "u", and if i choose the username "n" my username will be "")

  • playerelite, that's probably the lag-packet-drop-resend cycle I've run into as well. Basically once the latency is enough that packets start dropping I think the program resends them (this extra traffic causes more to drop until all packets are constantly being resent).

    Are you testing within a LAN network? or over the Internet to other parts of the country/countries?

    Hello Jayjay, i'm testing in lan on the same computer :)

    That's strange :/

  • I've a problem, when i try the example game, packets are send every tick o_o so the chat is bugged.

    And do that with my game too :(

    Someone know how to fix that ?