PixelRebirth's Forum Posts

  • Thanks, that was the command I was looking for, just couldn't find it. Is there somewhere I can look up a list of commands such as this? I'm sure I'll need to reference something similar.

    Well, the most important thing to know when using Construct is this imo:


    and this too: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/construct/index.php?title=Expressions

    To cite from the 2nd link:

    [quote:44kfuzdf]Most plugins have expressions of their own, which you can use to get information about that object. You can double click an object in the object panel to see a list of all of them. A simple example is Sprite.X, which retrieves the Sprite object's X co-ordinate.

    Object expressions have an object name and the expression name separated by a dot, as in Sprite.X.

  • When you run it you'll notice he's "jerking" when he's supposed to be stood still. This is the sprite flipping through some animation images instead of just the IDLE image. Strangly sometimes he does stand still but not often. I just don't get it.

    Your hotspot needs to be consistent. Put it in the bottom middle for each frame of every animation for example.

    And don't use empty animation frames anywhere, since there are no pixels it cant collide with anything.

    Also why didn't you remove the white background from the character?

  • It's true, there isn't a specific Add Height/Width action. Just use Set Width/Height and write something like

    Object.Width + 40

    to add to the exisiting width.

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  • Oh, you're constantly setting the private variables when the globals are greater than -1. Those events need to be sub-events. Like this you know:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2306601/subroll.png">

  • heyy

    I was testing the minimap obj, it's a very simple object and powerful, great job Scirra

    but for my purpose it not working how I would it to be..

    I'm trying to make a minimap of just a small area around the player, not the whole layout... example.. my map has 6000x6000 size, in the minimap it's showing all the area and my idea would it to show only the places,objects, etc, near the player..

    is it possible? with a diferent object maybe?


    Of course it's possible, if you create a custom minimap. Which is simple enough actually, takes just a bit of math.

    Shviller, Arima and me have been messing around with a radar kind of minimap some days ago in the chat. For example: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2306601/radar5.cap

  • I toyed around with the generator and decided that, for my purposes, it was indeed much easier to simply use 1 sprite and assign each rollable object its own animation and private variables.

    Sounds like a wise choice.

    I'm not sure if they're not subtracting, not destroying when they are equal to or less than zero, or something else altogether.

    Did you try running it in debug mode. Maybe you would be able to see what's exactly going wrong by monitoring the variables.

    I've got the private variables 'RollPlayer' and 'RollOpponent' set to -1 initially, and I tried assigning all the commands to key presses instead of buttons. I'm still getting the same problem. If it would help, I can upload the .cap file, though I've never really uploaded anything other than pictures/videos, and have no idea what services to use.

    While I appreciate the time you took to elaborate about the problem at hand, it's really hard to come up with any kind of solution without seeing the corresponding cap file. So I'd indeed suggest you upload it. I would recommend to get Dropbox, which quickly has become the standard around here for sharing files. It's fast and very easy to use!

  • ScrollXLeft




    Why is nobody ever taking a look at the system expressions?

  • This board is for your OWN creations. So this thread would be better suited in open topic.

    What's going on with your avatar? Mistaking this for a ****** Community?

  • When I first read the title of this thread I thought that KNPMASTER himself had joined the Construct camp.

    And as you will notice most of the images are just copied from the original (hope i don?t break any copyrights...)

    Well, actually you do. I guess you should have asked KNPMASTER if it was okay to use the graphics or at least you shouldn't pass this off as GUNNER 4. "GUNNER the fangame" or something along the lines would be more suitable, since you're not the original creator of the GUNNER series.

    As far as your beta goes: It's a solid start, but why don't you try to improve on certain things. I always thought the way shooting diagonally was handled in GUNNER is very weird. Why not make it properly with different animations for each angle? I'd like to see that.

  • Construct 2 will be a whole different beast, so I would forget about importing Construct 1 cap files. Why worry about that at this point anyway?

  • [quote:43t0iigh]You can create a sub-animation for the main animation by selecting Add sub-animation. Sub-animations can be used to organise related animations.

    I think that's all the Wiki has to say about sub-animations.

    The thing is when you set an animation, Construct will first look for that animation name in the sub-animations of the currently active animation.

    I do believe it's better to simply stick to naming conventions to create a set of animations though.

  • I assume that you know that actions directly after a create/spawn action will pick the newly created object. But I believe the problem here is that you're creating the object by name.

    If possible you should use just different frames (for static objects) instead of different sprites. Or if it needs to be animated, use different animations. That would make your life a whole lot easier. But might not be feasible depending on what your sprites need to be able to do.

    So in case you absolutely need to have different sprites, always remember what Ashley said back in 2009:

    [quote:2wzky99w]The way it is, though, is that when you create an object, it doesn't really exist until the end of the next top level event or trigger. (A top level event is anything which is not a subevent of anything else - I can't remember if events in groups of events count)

    Always keep that in mind when you're trying to manipulate newly created objects.

    So in this case, if you have an object created by name and want to assign a certain PV to it, you could do it similar to this:


    I'm making use of a family and a set the PV to be changed to a negative initial value to indicate that it hasn't been changed yet.

    What's also important is that you shouldn't use Button objects for creation events, since they're messing with the newly created object in a way that changes applied to it will appear one tick too late. That's the best I can explain it right now, there's a comment in the cap which should make it clearer.

    Also let me mention that there is a Python-method to safely pick newly created objects. But I'm not much of a Python-user and can't recall it right now. A forum search should come up with it or somebody else will be so kind to repost it here.

  • 1. - All ships choose the same Way-point

    I don't know how to tell the ships to choose their own way-points and stop being such hogs.

    First I thought it was just a matter of maybe putting a For each loop somewhere in there and indeed some of your events didn't look like they were doing the picking quite right, but on further investigation it seems there's something messed up with the RTS behavior. It either just moves the first created object or picks them all it seems in some cases.

    One case being doing the action at start of layout:

    Recreated it in a simple cap (Start of layout -> RTS move to object Target) and it still only moves 1 instance.

    Other than that putting a Delay condition in there seems to break the picking again. It will move all instances... quite annoying.

    Well, I hacked your cap a little. Got rid of the Wait object, replaced it with a private variable. Also couldn't use Start of layout for the first move action. That's also fixed by setting that private variable to 0 at start. Guess you'll have to look into it.


    2. - The bullets only come from one of the ships

    When the bullet shot from the enemy is created, it only comes from the first created ship, not from the one that want's to shoot me.

    Can't say I'm an expert for this since I haven't used LOS for anything so far. But what I can tell you is that you should spawn your bullets from the object directly. So don't use System create, but try the Spawn object action of the ship sprite itself.

    I changed it a bit accordingly. All of the ships are shooting. But for some reason the LOD seems still off. It seems hardly predictable when ships will actually shoot. Somebody else might know how to handle this better, or maybe I'll find out once I fiddle around with it.

    3. - I don't know how to change the angle of the enemy ships when they are going left/right (I.e. player)

    How would I get the ships to look left when going left? Or vise-versa?

    That one is quite easy. You should check "rotate object" under RTS behavior. Then go down to your object's angles and select N angles. Set the number of angles to 2. Be sure to have auto mirror checked too, and you'll have the plane facing left when going left and right when going right.

  • My problem is that when the player kills more than one ghost at the same time using a barrel (which is bound to happen), the system only adds 1 to the "Kill Count" instead of the correct amount of ghosts that where destroyed. How do I solve this?

    Sounds like you need a For each object loop here. Try to set up your event like this:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2306601/foreach1.png">

  • How come newt has the insight on how presents are handled in Santa's workshop? That's quite shocking news!

    And a cool concept for a nice xmas game I have to admit.

    I do have a little problem though, because at a certain point it doesn't seem to let me add any more presents. I figured it might be part of the gameplay, but it seems random too. I end up clicking wildly hoping for a present to spawn. So how's the limitation actually handled in this?

    Scratch the tiny part, was being stupid.

    Also let me mention that I probably wouldn't have bothered to download and try this game, if it wasn't for newt posting it. Why not add a screenshot to the post to get people interested? This is a cool looking game after all!