PixelPower's Forum Posts

  • I looked through the thread and was very impressed. I like developers like tunepunk who have a vision and stick to it now matter how big or small.I know it takes time but the game will come out the way you like it. Your hard work should pay off when the game is released, I look forward to it on my android device.

  • http://www28.zippyshare.com/v/CNR52h7K/file.html

    Here you go a smooth bounce

  • blurymind

    1) The enemy did not turn because its a circle LOL. All you have to do is set the animation in your game to turn or mirror.

    Here is an updated version with 2 enemies doing it in the proper order.


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Or you can do it smoother than that using the SIne behaviour, and it means you don't have to animate everything! Like this: http://mikelaraman.com/misc/bouncy%20with%20sine.capx

    Awesome find !! I never used sine for this just flying enemies.

  • Done just run the capx and watch


    The enemy will move to other side, wait 3 seconds and then come back!!

  • Ok you don't know how to copy and paste its same way you copy and paste text. Youleft click mouse , hold it down and go over the parts you want to copy.

    BunnehBoy please don't tell users to make flappybird. Incurage them to try something bigger and better. Construct2 is better than flappybird and doodle jump. You can make games like this that have a little depth

  • Like this but with 2x the frames enjoy!!


  • The game got lucky, any clones will not do as well. Just giving you a heads up.

  • I just mentioned global variables as a way to help the OP with his 3rd problem. Honestly I use global variables for the same purpose, to minimize my overall code. The security issue doesn't really concern me as most players just play the game, not hack it. As long as the game isn't multi-player it doesn't matter.

    What does matter is lowering the amount of code you use to make your life easier. In that reguard global variables can definitely help.

  • Great work very original!!

  • I just uploaded a couple of screenshots I'am probably around %75 done with building the engine for the game, the grunt work. As for the project in total I'am around %30 done in 2 weeks of work. Progress should be faster once I finish the grunt work.

    I did run into of course small coding problems here and there but nothing too major.

  • Yes if its made with Construct2 of course. Thats how most project gain a solid enough number of votes. But you should post some photos 2-4 of them here to further tempt people to go vote.

  • So you deleted all refrences to physic's objects and deleted the physic's behavior and this still shows up?

  • >

    > Well the OP wanted a method so he doesn't have to repeat the same code over and over. Because a global variable isn't encapsulated , then he can just call it easily whenever he needs to without having to repeat code over and over.

    > The only thing in my opinion that brings a mess to a large project is not writing down want you want 1st. Before I take on a larger game I write down in notepad the different scenarios and things I want in the game. That way I don't get stuck in the middle because I calculated what I was going to do.


    Actually, the OP did not want anything, it was more of a rant.

    FYI, Regular global variables have rather huge security issues.

    Writing down anything related to your project is fine ... but .. what happens if you have 5k events ? or even more ...

    Exactly, a notepad will do near nothing to assist in readability or maintainability on that front; Groups and Structured sheets is the clue there.

    I was answering the 3rd point he had because alot of people have that same issue not just OP. I doupt he is worried about security issue's.

    Now I don't think you understood the purpose of writing down what you want in your game before making it. Its to greatly reduce the amount of code your going to use and it helps you know what to group together before you start. If you just jump in and make changes on the fly , that will increase your workload by a ton. Also it will lead to fustrations and then rants.......Then the developer opens up a thread on Construct2 saying how badly it sucks LOL!!

  • Ok I found the problem you did

    On Key Pressed

    I did

    On Key Down

    Change your On Key Pressed to On Key Down.