PixelPower's Forum Posts

  • Ok guys I really worked on this game to make it vry fun. Its a 2D shooter with a cool plot twisting storyline to it. I worked really hard to make sure the gameplay was smooth and enjoyable.

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    I had that issue, under the circumstances as discribed.

    *** i rest my case ***

    Cool so I guess that makes both of us crazy according to the moderator. All of a sudden we became idiots and starting butchering our own code.

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    I am supposed to be the harsh one in here. Plz dont steal that status from me. Thank you verry much.

    Pixel, just a question. Could it be possible that you (in the previous version of your code) stored things in a differend way (differend then the current version) ?

    I had big problems whit that. I code a lot with trial and error. Now, when i use local storage, i have a 'clear local storage' mapped under a key. Call it a emergency key. And that works fine for me.

    No I just pressed the save button to save the project and my global variable changed in my code block. At 1st I thought I was seeing things, I was like what the fack. But then it happened again I was like ok now I know what I saw.So I came to the forums to see if anyone else had the issue and no one else had it then I just uninstall and reinstalled Construct2. I come back to the forums and then a Moderator see's fit to make fun of me and try to bully me tying to be funny but it was a bad joke. Then I responded an eye for an eye. Thats what happened.

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    1) Press button to save project 2) My variable was GameSave and the moment I pressed the button it changed to the Health variable. I was looking at it with my own eyes.

    The reason I don't post bug report but in the forum is to see if it happened to anyone else. If not I will just uninstall Construct2 and then reinstall it again because maybe it got downloaded wrong and there is a random bug that normally isn't there. Unlike what you did jumping the gun and basically trying to bully me , I posted and waited to see if anyone has encountered the bug. I don't go posting bug reports everytime something goes wrong. Actually I never posted a bug report. If my problem isn't solved, I just unistall Construct2 and go to a version that didn't have problems. Its you who jumped the gun , not me.

    As for banning me from the forums, which you mentioned in the other thread, Iam not the one going to get hurt by it. I actually go to other forums and tell them about Construct2 so Iam not the one losing out.

    But what not going to happen is a moderator feels like he is going to bully and make fun of someone and think I'am a pushover. There was no reason for you to come in with slick comments, I just responded how you came at me.

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  • Ive just been playing with hiding the status bar in the latest XDK. I had some help from another user. Checkout this thread: How do I Remove Android status bar, using Intel XDK

    Yeah its just wierd that all of a sudden now XDK compiles Construct2 games different. It must be the "magic"

    Kyatric doesn't believe in . Somehow this happening is all my fault according to him.

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    > I just posted this just in case someone else encounters their save variable changing when they save, so they don't go nuts. I know when I was a beginner I would go crazy just to find out it was something simple. Now that Iam experience I don't go crazy , I slow down so that I can double check everything.


    "double check everything" but assumes that Construct "magically" changes values.

    Right, makes sense.

    Consider posting your project so other pair of eyes can investigate and see if they also "encounter the random issue".

    Ok so after all this time on Construct2 you think I just all of a sudden make something up? I didn't post my project because its the game I just released for android. I would be very dumb to post that project for someone to steal it and post it themselves on googleplay after I spent time making it.

    So thats in response to your "smart" statement.

  • > mef1sto professional grade stuff, this looks epic. I can't wait till the release on android I can already tell its going to be a blast. Keep up the good work!! All those upgradables in your game, your code must be looking crazy right about now keeping track of all the stats!!


    Thanx) I'm trying to optimiz the code as well as I can to get ~60fps on mobiles

    Yes that can be tough thats why I set my resolution to 650,350 and only use inner scale so that it scales nicely on the device. What resolution is your game in?

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    Hey Pixel,

    I have worked on a lot of large projects and haven't run into this before. I am inclined to think that it is a problem with your code but you might be right. If you are sure you should definitely lodge a bug report.

    What I normally do when I run into something that 'should' be working but isn't is to place stops in your connecting events so you can inspect what all the variables are at each point. So if you have an event that handles saving or loading, disable your function call or whatever style you use to link events and see if it is consistent.

    Thanks GG it was a wierd bug and I never seen it before. But it happened right in front of me so thats how I knew it wasn't me. I just posted this just in case someone else encounters their save variable changing when they save, so they don't go nuts. I know when I was a beginner I would go crazy just to find out it was something simple. Now that Iam experience I don't go crazy , I slow down so that I can double check everything.

  • Yeah they add in thier own browser so that the games run really smooth on android and ios devices.

  • Ok guys I really worked on this game to make it vry fun. Its a 2D shooter with a cool plot twisting storyline to it. I worked really hard to make sure the gameplay was smooth and enjoyable.

    Sirra Arcade

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    Android download

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... ion.undead

  • No don't post the capx file yet. If someone wants to make it they should try on thier own, even if he post capx file a beginner wouldn't understand it anyway. Its professionally made so I would support him selling it on sirra store but not giving it away.

  • Delete your project files and then open up a new project, it should work then. The updates just getting worse for us. Soon Iam going to download an older version of Construct2 so I can use phonegap build it was much simpler but newer construct 2 doesn't work with phonegap build for some reason.

  • There are several games in that one game, which one are you trying to do?

  • Man right now I wish I knew how to compile apk on android studio. Left and right when something updates then changes occur when you haven't changed anything on your end. XDK update for some strange reason puts the status bar on my game wtf!! Hopefully Construct3 will come with native exports because if it doesn't, no matter how cool the features, its not going to sell. Phonegap doesn't work, cocoon gives problems at random, and now XDK acting freaky haha the triple threat!!

  • Ok do not zip your files !! Leave your files the way there are when you export your project. For xdk at least.