PixelImpact's Forum Posts

  • Thank you very much for being so committed to fixe the issue!

    I think in the short term, the pragmatic thing to do if you just need it to work now is to downgrade the project to the C2 runtime and publish with that.

    Ok for the downgrade to C2 runtime. If it make it run on more devises, it will be great!

    Few questions on it:

    - Would it means any other implications to downgrade or all the game will work the same?

    - When you say "to be removed in 2021", you mean not usable in Construct but the game will still work fine right?

    EDIT: I can't go back to C2 runtime because of compatibility issues with BBCode, Speech synthesis plugin, wait for previous action, typpewritter, etc etc...

    About the debugging test, I can try. However, the old phones are not mine (and I updated the only one I had) and in Africa so it's difficult to perform a complet test on them. I can bring devise information, system info etc but difficult to have more. I'll try my best anyway.

    Hmm, just thinking - the device you updated from v71 to v80 and started working - what model device is that?

    It's a Samsung note 3 SN900, so with indeed a Mali GPU, you're guessing right!

    So what does it mean in pratical terms?

    Also FYI it seems not working on a HUAWEI Y9 2019 with Android 9 (EMUI 9.0.1) and WebView 3.3.5.

  • When the WebView is out of date, it does show a message. It says "Software update needed" with instructions.

    Actually one person told me that message was displayed but many didn't and it didn't show up on my old phone. And I guess if people are contacting me for help, it is not enough..

    So I think we're back to square 1 - I doubt it's solely because of an old WebView version. There must be something else going on.

    It's both a good news and a news, thanks for the help :)

    But why would have the update of WebView made it work then? And what can I do find the issue (and the solution) if it not that?

    That's is an Awesome idea developing an App to help people and families be aware of how to avoid Ebola, I hope goes well and that you can fix all the issues so they can make most of it, you never know how many lives you could save.

    tarek2 thank you so much! We indeed truly believe this game can improve people health. It's our first big project (in partnership with Doctors Without Borders) and we are aiming to make more games on major environment, society and health issues. Hopefully with Construct if I can make sure the games can to use by everyone ;) here is our website (in French so far) for more info: pixelimpact.org

  • Thank you for your reply Ashley!

    Are you sure it's to do with the webview version and not something else?

    I’m no expert but I’m pretty confident it is the WebView because every time I update the Android System WebView on someone phone where before it wasn't working, it is now working.

    For example, I have myself an old phone on which it wasn’t working (which a WebView version 71.0.3578.99). I updated WebView to 80.0.3987.119 and now it’s working fine.

    So are you sure you are seeing this message?

    There is no message, I was just saying it would be good to have the possibility to add a warning message with a link to update if WebView is out of date.

    It's hard to imagine why this would not have been the case.

    Unfortunately, people there have crappy phones and, as you said, try to save space and data so they don't keep their phones up to date.. Actually some people do the same in Europe so those cases occur more often then what I thought in the first place, especially for my target audience. And that why I really need a solution because I can’t tell myself every person to update their WebView…

    So is there a way to either:

    - Embedded/integrate the update of the Android System WebView within the game to automatically make it work?


    - in case the WebView is out of date on the phone and the game doesn’t work, put a warning message saying something like “please update your phone by clicking this link” or so?

    I'm keen to find out the reasons behind this, and would be grateful if you could shed some light on that.

    I'll continue to collect data and share it with you as much as I can.

    More customers asking in that issue might help

    Thanks, I'll ask to Google myself to show support but it would be very nice and needed to have some possibilities from Construct because Google as being a big company might take some time..

    Here is the link to my app in case you want to check for any other reasons it might not work on some phones: play.google.com/store/apps/details

  • Hi,

    I'm developping an awareness game that is being deployed in Africa. Unfortunately, lot of people there have phones without the latest webview update, which is quite annoying because it drastically limits the reach of my game. I can't tell to every single person to install the update in addition to the game..

    It’s a major limitation I wasn’t aware before starting using Construct and a true downside of the program..

    Is there a solution for that? I mean for example to automatically force the update webview with the installation of the game.

    If not, is that possible to do the followings (in decreasing order of priority)?:

    - Embeded the last webview version within the game

    - Change the version of webview needed or even better to deactivate it

    - Add a link at the start of the game when it’s not working to redirect to the android update page? But I guess it’s possible as the game won’t work..

    Or any other solution to make my game work on every phone ???

    Thanks in advance, any help/tips would really help me!

  • I have tried but I can't find the way to integrate special caracters in my text as it is .txt and .xml files (for translation).

    Could you please tell me the way to write them into it?

    Because when I'm doing &#32 or [&#32] for exemple, it's not working...

    Thanks again!

  • Thank you dop2000 for your help (and sorry for the veryyy late answer, I was focusing on my android release :)

    So actualy the solution you propose is kind to hard to put in place because I have a lot of text in a lot of different places and I'm not sure to understand how to make it automatic for everything...

    I think the issue really comes from Safari. and it's not really a spacing issue because it looks very random.

    I'm the only with this issue with BBCode and IOS?

  • Nepeo Thank you for the great explanations and sorry for the edditing of my previous post, I figured some things and I wanted not to overload the forum but I was to quick to edit :)

    So just to be sure on the process :

    I export my signed app with the signature I create > I upload my app on the Play Console > I upload my signature file there too if I want to have the Google Authentification and if I loose it, I can ask google another one (which will be quite the same process).

    Any idea where I can upload the key to store it in the Play Console?

    Because all I have is :

    Also do I have to use a AAB and/or Android Studio to have the Google Signing? Because I would rather much not use Android Studio and export straigt from Construct.

    (is a AAB really better or it's just a size matter? (my APK make 11mo and my AAB 10.5 so not much of a difference)

    Thank again for the support !


    Questions about the advantages of the Google Authentification

  • Hi,

    I'm using a font that I just realized have an issue on Iphone: after my BBCode color exit tags, there is no space and the words are glued together.

    Here is the kind of text I'm using:

    When I arrive home, [color=#21a6ff]first I wash my hands[/color] with [color=#21a6ff]soap[/color] and water;

    So I would like to know how to add a non-breaking space (or something similar) after each tag?

    Thanks in advance


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  • Hi

    Simple question: how do I make to donwload a snapshot taken in my app.

    It works fine on browser with the invoque canavas but it doesn't work on my android app (obviously).

    I saw other people have trouble to find a solution to this simple question.. so I'm asking again because I really need a way 

    Thanks in avance!

    PS: I don't want to download the app or anything, just the snapshot taken in the game on my app (not on a browser)

  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm doing a serious game where the Speech Synthesis is very important.

    Unfortunately, I just realized that it's only working on browser and not when exported on App.

    Is someone have a good plugin or any other solutions for that? I couldn’t find any working solution on the forum and many posts are for C2

    Preferably that works on both Android and IOS

    Also I would need to make a speech synthesis in an African language (Swahili), how can I configure it the construct (google is having translation on this language and can read it)?

    Thanks in advance for the help


  • Hi everyone,

    I'm making an awareness game where players must answer questions with pictures (based on the trivia game construct.net/en/tutorials/trivia-game-929)

    Basically, it is like that:

    Before / After

    Image 1 -> Image 1

    Question -> Awareness text

    Answers 1 2 -> Image 2

    I would like to add the option for the player to download the picture(s) and to share it on Whatsapp.

    So here are my questions:

    - Can we make give the possibility to download a picture in game? (and how?)

    - Can we make it that it agglomerate two pictures + text to download everything in a single image (because otherwise I’ll have to upload each combination in each language and it will make the game super heavy).

    - Is that possible to share these pictures in social media (Whatsapp and Facebook)? I have found this tuto which is working perfectly but it is only for text: construct.net/en/tutorials/whatsappskypeetc-1030.

    Thanks in advance!

    Ps: I’m considering moving to construct 3 at some point so things or plugins working only on the 3 are welcome too.

  • Hi everyone,

    I got a question quite simple but I can't find the answer yet:

    I would like to set a random number to a variable but without the numbers already contained in an array.

    Indeed, I am building a quizz game with random questions but I would like to avoid to have twice the same question.

    So my idea was to store the number of the already asked questions into an array to when the next random question is selected, it set a number different of all the previous numbers used.

    Something like : system : set randomNumber to (random(0,10)) [without array numbers].

    I am sure there are other ways to do so (with a check on the random number and if it is the same of one in the array, it start again etc etc) but it would be more easier this way and a great learning for next time :)

    Thank you in advance!

  • Thank you both for your great examples! Very usefull

    I would like to create an infinite scrolling game. Any tips on how I could do that and not be stuck by the window size?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Thanks for your reply <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    I open to both solutions. Moving or jumping are both fine (but moving would be best I guess) as long as the pawn doesn't disapear.

    I have come myself to a "jumping solution" but the problem is that the pawn disapear between two jumps: http://pixelimpact.org/ebola/game1/index.html

    I have also tried a pathfinding solution but the pawn go only straight in line and get stuck on the wall without no reason...: http://pixelimpact.org/ebola/game2/index.html

    (Why I can't post .capx on the topic?)

    What is lerp exactly? Even with explanations https://www.scirra.com/forum/what-is-lerp-2-minute-tutorial-for-the-non-math_t60509 I can't understand...

    And yes I'm aware it's a morbid game... It's an awareness game use in West Africa by the Red Cross to teach people how to protect themvelse from Ebola.

    So I guess Construct and game making can also save lives <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool">

    Thanks again!