piranha305's Forum Posts

  • https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ruI5QoME0XlcYOdcEg4RBj4j1PWx0DDi

    I created a GIF of a simple basic example. hopefully it helps

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  • Unzip it on your computer not on Google drive. Then you should be able to edit it.then when you zip it back up a. C3P file you can import that file from your desktop.

  • updated c3IDE with code folding for all java script editors, you can right click to quickly collapse adn expand all sections.

  • I am not sure if this will work but the .c3p files is pretty much a compressed file, you can unzip that file, there is a layout folder that contains all the layout json files, if you find all the layout.json files that has the tilemap instance, you might be able to go in change the value.

    after you modified the json, you have to zip the project back up and change the extension to .c3p and try and import the project from the file. i tried this with a very simple project and it worked. if you have multiple instances of the tile map in different layouts it might be a bit more work.

  • c3IDE now supports converting c2 effects.

  • > what would be the benefit of having it be it's own block?

    I don´t see why such a map would need to be created during runtime with individual actions, rather than just beeing there.

    > i think it will just be for better visual, since its integrated into the new function system

    But it isn´t really, if you have to create it in an "on start of layout" event with individual actions.

    so having it as an action won't really effect performance, that map is going to be in memory and the lookup are are super quick, since its a dictionary type data structure. having it as a custom event block it will probably behave exactly the same, your still going to have the map in memory, and insert and lookups will perform the same. so the only difference between them is more for looks, i would imagine.

  • well lets say i define a jump function to the string of "jump" i could then have different implementation of a jump function that i can map to that jump string at any time, this would avoid having branches for power up that would increase jump height or something like that? it's very basic example, and you could just pass in the jump height as a param? but it allows you to switch the implementation of your function kind of like a "strategy design pattern", which i think will be very flexible.

  • what would be the benefit of having it be it's own block? i think it will just be for better visual, since its integrated into the new function system, alot of the optimization that were done for that would probably apply to this mapping as well?

    also you might want to associate mapping functions with a condition that is triggered?

  • yeah something like that sounds great, it seems like it would cover all the cases. like a switch statement though, would it have a default case? just in case for whatever reason the string is not mapped, or in that case would it just not call the function, and we get a warning in console?

  • I agree calling function by a string name is very useful. A common use case I run into is buttons. Each button object normally has a string variable to designate a callback function when the object is clicked. This is not possible with the new system.

    Would it be possible to call parameter less functions by name?

  • Added basic c2addon import, This is a c2 to c3 conversion helper. this generates most of the boilerplate and generates stubs for your ACES, this still needs alot of work and is the still very experimental. not all addons will import correctly depends on how they where written. if you encounter any issue importing c2addons create a ticket HERE and i will try and fix the issue with the import.

  • Ashley is that something that will be automatic? or do you have to opt in to the conversion?

  • updated the import process to support c3addon that have both run times, now those addons should import correctly. and there is a new window to view and update the c2 runtime.js file.

    if you run into any issue create a github issue : https://github.com/armandoalonso/c3IDE/issues

  • Updated c3IDE now you can import c3addon files (c3runtime only). (working on c2addon stub creation)

    Check out a preview here : https://github.com/armandoalonso/c3IDE/blob/master/doc/images/25.gif

    This feature is experimental, so it might not work 100% of the time, i have not run into any issues importing various addons, but if you run into an issue let me know https://github.com/armandoalonso/c3IDE/issues

  • Updated c3IDE with a few new features - check it out on ITCH

    Check out the updated documentation HERE