piranha305's Forum Posts

  • while i think ENUM data types would be a great addition to construct, they need to be added holistically to the engine not just as function params,

    i agree with dop2000 not being able to use an expression in this case would really limit you, but with that said there might be a middle ground?

    enums are really just integers, lets say you were able to define them like you do a variable (global) you could have a new data type for function param called enum (which will really just take any enum type or expression) so instead of typing out a string you could do MyEnum.Choice, and the actual value of this would be the the assigned integer of Choice in the enum. this should still give you scoped intellisense but also allow for expressions based on the enum, and they could be useful outside of function params as well.

  • so the game starts up fine, no console errors, its just the editor reporting back false positives, also the highlighting of the same selected word, also highlights white space which looks a bit weird, will fill bug for this later.

  • The javascript editor is displaying error messages, did something change recently in the newest beta? with the linting?


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    I added to a forum topic but my post don't seem to to be visible


    this has happened before on other post in the past. here is a bug report i filed a while back github.com/Scirra/Construct.net-website-bugs/issues/104

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  • I seem to be experiencing the forum bug Ashely mentioned as well, i do not see my most recent post??

  • this is a pretty interesting concept, i am more curious how the binding will work, so you have a subset of event logic, (that is self contained) and has a special identifier that references the object that it is currently bound to (self)

    so this self needs to act like an object type, so when you are adding an action to this self contained event sheet, will it be smart enough to know about the object that it is currently bound to? like if you have an 8direction behavior on a sprite, and then you bind this set of events to that object, when adding logic will the 8direction ACES show up in the context of self?

    if thats the case then the 8direction behavior becomes a hard dependency on that set of logic, and you would not be able to reuse it unless the object you attach it to, has the 8direction behavior.

    this also gets a bit hazy with specific object types? like a sprite and an array have different exposed ACES, so will self know about these? so this seems like it hinders the reuseability of this set of logic. and force the set of logic to be reused with a very specific object type that meets the criteria of having specific behaviors.

    another interesting thing is, what if in your event logic you reference an outside object? like self colldies with B, now B has to be included in the project for this to work.

    it would be really interesting if that could be parameterized, like the set of events could expose Object type properties so when you bind it to an object you have to reference the other used instances as a parameter.

    this seems like a great concept, that could really help with event sheet maintainability and also help make thing resuable, but there seem to be alot of edge cases

  • i have a bookmark to https://editor.construct.net/beta that always takes you the latest beta

  • I had a text property on the plugin and i wanted to render the text in the editor, kinda like the text plugin. i wanted to simulate the same behavior of the property being update when it gets created.

    but now that i look at bit deeper i see there is a OnPropertyChanged(id, value) on the instancebase i think i could use that with a switch statement on the id.

  • Is it possible to get a plugins property list for the editor (instance.js)... in the runtime (instance.js) the property list is passed the constructor.

    this was possible in c2 sdk because all the edittime code was in one file so the IDEInstance can reference the property_list directly. is there a way to mimic the same behavior in c3? or os the proeprty list exposed some where and I just missed it?


  • added a suggestion for this


  • Ashley

    in the scripting api, its possible to have your instances listen to events emitted by several addons/runtime.

    how can these events be triggered from 3rd party addons in the sdk?

    is the event system between the two compatible? in the sdk there is the runtime.Dispatcher but it seems only the listening events are exposed? will there be a way to emit our own events from the sdk, and be able to listen to them in javascript?


  • Is there an event to enable or disable the set angle property of the moveto behavior

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    This feature is really awesome, thanks for implementing this!

  • Great feedback thanks yeah, I wanted to start really basic, but yeah I'll get into all those things in later videos

  • Created a new video showing how to create a basic addon using c3IDE



    I plan on creating more videos to demonstrate how to create other types of addons with c3IDE

    #shameless plug :

    I have another video series i am working on a mobile game from scratch where i use the new java script and how i mix that with events and all that stuff
