piec's Forum Posts

  • Oh god, I was so blind. I have only few events and not check that... I feel so stupid now, god...

    [topic close - thx for reply]

  • I'm sorry I didn't know it need to install something: docs.google.com/file/d/0B1Y3DsQM3no0S1Jmb1FuZEJGZnM/edit

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. open project

    2. run layout

    Observed result:


    Expected result:

    Layout running

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8

    Construct 2 version:


  • Wow Man, that's awesome! Thats the effect i want have in my game. Thank You :D

  • Hi

    I see some topic's about explosion, but i need some good idea how make it work smooth.

    I wanna make with some TNT and Granades, using physic and i dont know how make explosion with is stronger if is near object and have less power when is litte far.

    (sorry for my english)

  • Great! Thanks :D

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi

    I try to make Isometric game.

    I got base movement, but when i Try to make obcjects with greater Y position on TOP of Layer it dont work.

    I put my project file here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/71758528/gridisomet.capx

    Can anybody tell me how make Isometric Game with Z order by Y position? I can't find nothing like that on forum.

  • ranma

    Animation is very smooth, and graphic looks nice. I wanna see more games from You.

  • Thanks! Here is screenshot for people who search for that :)

    <img src="http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/8200/97140947.jpg" border="0" />

  • Hi

    I need help.

    In past i use other software to make games, and there was something like groups of objects.

    I can put all objects in that group and make events to that group, so not need to make it for every single object.

    Construct 2 have something like GROUPS? If not, it will be add in future?

  • Thanks :)

    Everything work great!

    But is any way to dont make that behaviors for every object? Is any way to make group of sprites and make behaviors for every object in that group?

    I just wanna make 10 objects with sound, and dont wanna make so many behaviors for each of them.

  • Can You tell me how set it like on the picture?

    System > Compere two values?

    I can't find it on forum.

  • I do have a solution that works quite well

    Wow, thanks a lot!

    Great example of that what i wanna do.

    And i must say, it's not my idea. I read about game like that, but creators do a kickstarter to get money on recording sound (don't remember title). I just have my own vision of game like that and i wanna to make one :)

    Its can be fun (survival + adventure game style)

  • (No panning, playrate control works in chrome, not in FF, etc...)

    It's not good to hear it, but anyway i will try to make it playable. I think only volume control can be enough to make it good to play.

    Thank for example!

  • Hi

    At start, sorry for my english.

    In past i make a lot of games in click & play app but Construct 2 is new to me and i wanna make serious game.

    In game i wanna make top view map with character exploring room, but player will dont see nothing. He will be only hear a sounds around.

    It's any way to make sound more spacious? And how i can controll volume of sound.

    In short: Player is in front of fan, he hear fan in a front of him and when he go in direction of fan noise just volume up, becouse he is closer.

    Plz help.