philjo1005's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • decide on your combo timeout i.e. 1 or 2 seconds or whatever: global variable: combotimeout = 2

    make another global variable for stepping the combo up each time: combostep = 0

    add your conditions for the combo starting , such as weapon collision with enemy. increase the combostep by 1 for each collision.

    your sprite can optionally change animations based on the combostep variable. for testing/ visual cue you can create a text box with fade behaviour with the combostep value in the text field at the enemy x,y so you can see the combo amount increase with each hit.

    each second, subtract one from combotimer, and if combotimer = 0, reset combostep to = 0

    so your attack button will trigger all of this because it is based on the collision between your weapon and the enemy.

    consider also a condition that tests if your sprite is attacking so that merely touching the enemy with your weapon without attacking doesn't register a hit.

  • I usually use a global variable to scale enemy difficulty, along with a "boss" group (activated when it is time for the boss to appear)

    for example I could have a variable called minionhealthscale set to 1.

    when creating minions, do this:


    loop: 20 times;[/code:2olbnvnu]action[code:2olbnvnu]create: minion at (x,y)[/code:2olbnvnu]action[code:2olbnvnu]set =10*minionhealthscale[/code:2olbnvnu] - this makes the minion health correctly when each minion is created
    then to activate your boss group:
    condition[code:2olbnvnu]minions destroyed: =20[/code:2olbnvnu]action[code:2olbnvnu]set group "boss" enabled[/code:2olbnvnu]
    Then your boss group would have these codes in it:
    [code:2olbnvnu]BOSS GROUP[/code:2olbnvnu]
    [code:2olbnvnu]various boss creation and attack codes etc[/code:2olbnvnu]
    when the boss is defeated:
    conditions[code:2olbnvnu]bosshealth < 1;trigger once while true;[/code:2olbnvnu]action[code:2olbnvnu]boss: destroy[/code:2olbnvnu]
    action[code:2olbnvnu]set minionhealthscale: =minionhealthscale*10[/code:2olbnvnu]
    action[code:2olbnvnu]disable group "boss"[/code:2olbnvnu]
    obviously the way you scale minionhealthscale will affect how much more health the minions have each time the boss group activates. Above I have it so that the minion health multiplies by 10 after each boss, so your minions might have 10 health, then 100 health, then 1000 and so on. You could use +10 which would just make it 1 11 21 31 41 etc, or any equation you want to balance your game.
    I hope this helped * edit made it clearer and more relevant to your needs
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  • More detailed reply:

    tilemaps are a grid of small images as you have obtained above.

    To make a png file to use as the image for your tilemap, first you must decide what grid to use. I recommend since you have 11 tiles, doing a 3 along and 4 down tilemap, with each tiles resolution taken into account.

    example, if your tiles are each 128*128 square pixels, your tilemap will be 128 * 3 across and 128 * 4 down.

    The tile map selects tiles from left to right, then down 1, then left to right again and so on. So you want to place your tiles in the png file as such:

    1 2 3

    4 5 6

    7 8 9

    10 11

    once you made your 3 * 4 tilemap saved as a png, just create your tilemap object and load that png file into it. remember to specify the dimensions of your tilemap grid (3,4) and the resolution of your tiles.

  • Also importantly here is to set yourself small goals, which will help you achieve your dream in future, for example:

    Create a project where you can control things with mouse/keys/touch. Throwing balls, dragging items. Work out how to create an inventory system, and use dictionaries and arrays to store information and retrieve it.

    Play around with the tilemap and other different types of objects, to learn what they do and how they work. See project examples given with Construct.

    Get to know the behaviour plugins, they will save your life many times (such as the pin to behaviour, wrap around, physics and everything)

    Overall getting to know construct will save you thousands of hours for a large game project.

    And there is always the guys here when you get stuck on something!

    Good luck friend!

  • Are you using any 3rd party plugins?

    Which effects are present in your project?

  • Assuming you have your gun sprite and laser ray sprite ready to use:

    You can create an origin point on the muzzle of your gun using the image editor [ besides the default origin point which determines the reference point of the whole image (commonly left in the middle of the image)]

    after creating the additional image point, you can refer to it in the events page. lets say your gun is called sprite_gun, and you have the origin point for the image, and you also added an origin point for the muzzle of the gun. these image points will be 0 and 1 respectively. Your laser ray is called sprite_laser

    After that, just create an event that creates your laser ray from your gun muzzle and imparts a force on it (or use the bullet & physics behaviours for your laser ray)


    mouse: on clicked; [/code:3g81g27u] - condition
    action - [code:3g81g27u]system: create sprite_laser at position sprite_gun.ImagePointX(1),sprite_gun.ImagePointY(1) and angle sprite_gun.Angle[/code:3g81g27u] (the ImagePoint (1) refers to your gun muzzle, the angle ensures the laser appears at the correct angle according to where the gun is pointing)
    action - [code:3g81g27u]sprite_laser: Impart physics force of 20[/code:3g81g27u] (makes the laser shoot forwards)
  • The events page is where you can create a system action telling the system to restart the layout. Create an action after creating a condition, such as:

    button_restart: on clicked; system: restart layout[/code:2oc0xwvv]
    For single layout projects, you could use save game at the start of the layout, and load game for restarting the layout. Just a possible alternative.
  • 8 posts