Philip99's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • [attachment=0:1eyv1dbb][/attachment:1eyv1dbb]Dear Jillhof,

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    This was a brilliant idea.

    I changed it a bit and now it's not moving (jumping) anymore.

    Thanks a lot, I've never thought about this solution

    It's so helpful!

  • [attachment=1:1cqel3jw][/attachment:1cqel3jw]Dear Friends,

    I am working on a marble machine and had this problem.

    Could anybody please tell me what I am doing wrong?

    The balls fall out of their left side compartments.

    The right side does not give that problem.

    I tried in my opinion everything, but can't get it right.

    Is it a bug? Or am I using the wrong techniques here?

    Image and capx file are uploaded.

    Thanks in advance,

    Any help is much appreciated.


  • Thanks TheDom and TonyW,

    This is just what I needed. Sometimes one need some help to get on the right track, because one stays thinking in circles.

    Thanks also for the advice to look at the site of Rex's Plugins and Behaviours. Wow, amazing what we can find there. I did feel like a child in a candy store. This will make life of a 'Constructor' much easier.

    Thanks a lot both, you were of great help!


  • Dear friends,

    After a week of trying and reading, without any success, I would be very happy with someone's help.

    I have the feeling it's simple, but I can't see the solution.

    • I want to constantly move a column of six sprites (part of a machine) synchronously up and down say 100 pixels, at an adjustable speed.
    • Also do the six sprites on their way up rotate, synchronously, slowly from -15 degrees to +15 degrees.
    • On their way down they rotate slowly back to their start position of - 15 degrees.
    • The sprites have to transport a ball, so I guess they need the physics behaviour, so the ball can't fall through the sprites.

    If I have two of those systems next to each other, moving in opposite directions, the ball will be put from the lowest sprite to the sprite next to it and will be lifted automatically via via, to the top sprite where it finally leaves the elevator.

    there are many roads to Rome as they say, but I did not find the right one...

    Or I could not control speed, or the movements where not fluently enough, or the sprites did not move synchronously, or the sprites did not constantly moved as a machine should.

    All help will be appreciated very much.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Thanks a lot blackhornet.

    That's completely different from what I did!

    Now I understand what I did wrong.

    The capx file was very helpfull, without I could'nt understand.

    I hope once I have your level and will be able to help beginners like me.

    Great, Thanks again, also for the quick reply!

  • Dear Friends,

    Sometimes it looks if I am blind for some problems,

    I can't see what I am doing wrong.

    Could anybody please explain why this does not work?

    And please tell me how to solve this?

    I made a switch that one can turn in 3 positions

    Position 0 = 0 degrees

    Position 1 = -60 degrees

    Position 2 = +60 degrees

    I tried two methods, but neither of them will function.

    I guess this is a simple mistake I made, but I can't find the proper way to turn the switch.


    Thanks in advance for your help.



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  • Thanks a lot for the tip LittleStain, I downloaded it and will play with it. Great advise, now I feel I am moving to the right direction.

  • Dear Nimos,

    Thanks so much for your time to help me, but I feel ashamed to say that it did not help me yet.

    I am trying and trying and can't solve the puzzle yet.

    I have the feeling I want to use a tool that's not in the box (yet).

    But I also have the feeling that the missing tool I can't find is something that is very useful for everybody.

    I guess in many games, game builders want to put a random sprite from a Family (or a list or a folder) of sprites on a certain place (X, Y)

    in their game and also need to know it's Local Variable.

    It could be useful for appearing random all kinds of things on a certain place to make the game more interesting,

    as when every time the same object is showing up.

    And of course the game builder needs to know the local variables of it too.

    But I can't solve this, and again maybe I look over it and there is a simple solution for it.

    But I am afraid I want something simple which is actually very complicated...

    I Thought to choose on the 'Add Event' side: System, 'Pick random Instance'.

    I could choose only one item so I choose Family.

    One would expect it would pick a random item from the Family (the collection of my sprites),

    but it always shows only the last one of the Family.

    Than I tried 'Pick by evaluating' so I did choose Family again and filled in my Local Variable: Name.

    But Nada.

    So this is not the way...

    I guess I am looking in the wrong direction...

    Could anybody help me or just point me in the right direction?

    Thanks again Nimos and everybody else who wants to explain this to me.


  • Hello Everybody,

    Hi again a question from this newbie.

    I guess the question is asked many times before, but I can't find anything about it.

    This is my problem:

    I want to place 'On Start of Layout' random (on the same X, Y spot in the game) only one sprite, from a collection, stored under the names K00, K01, K02 etc. (say in total about 30 sprites or so).

    I guess I have to store all of them in a family?

    I also want to retrieve (see, use) the Instance Variable 'Value' of each sprite that is shown in the game.

    I can't figure it out. In all Events I tried I had to select one of the sprites by name.

    I can't use the 'Choose (K00, K01, K02)' that one can use on the Action side of the Event Sheet.

    I have the feeling I miss something simple, because nobody asked about it before.

    Or is there a Plugin or Behaviour I should use and don't know about?

    Sorry if it's too obvious, but I can't see the solution myself...

    Many thanks in advance for the help,

    be sure it's very much appreciated.


  • Everybody thanks so much for your help.

  • Thanks for the quick reply. This is exactly what I was looking for, but could not find. Great, I will use it!

  • Hi,

    I have no idea if it's possible... Say I have ten functions ( F1 - F10), is it possible to call randomly one of them.

    I want to use it like this:

    After answering a question the player could be right or wrong. I want all kinds of things happening after the answer is given, but not every time the same things, after every right or wrong answer. So I like that randomly is chosen what the player is hearing and seeing after every answer he gaves.

    Thanks in advance

  • Thanks for the quick answer. Could not find out, how to deal with it, so solved the problem by copy and pasting a lot. Works fine, just more work.

  • Hi, a question of an enthusiast newbie. I hope this first post is in the right place. I hope also somebody has an solution for me. I can't find it myself yet.

    This is the situation:

    I have many different sprites with different names and different values stored in their instance variables (numbers).

    I know how to retrieve the value of every sprite separately by name, but I thought it would be easier, nicer and faster to make a function that I can use for all the different sprites with their different names and values to let them do the same Action.

    But how can I retrieve the value of that clicked or touched sprite, getting it's value only because it's clicked or touched, to use in a function?

    Or maybe that's not possible? Or is it simple and I can't find it?

    All help will be very much appreciated, thanks a lot in advance.


  • 14 posts