pfac's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • What a noob...

    Thanks guys, much appreciated


  • Ok, just opened a new project, and I have the AUDIO icon there.

    Weird that when going back to my original project, no AUDIO icon.

    Have no idea what might be causing this

  • Installed it again, still no AUDIO icon.

    Thanks Doc, for the tip.

  • Trying to post the pic, but, again, just a noob here

    I cannot add the audio object because when I try to insert a new object, the AUDIO icon option just isnt there.

    Before, when I went to the 'insert new object' in the object types selection, on the MEDIA tab I would get an AUDIO icon.

    Now, the only icons I have there are the GEOLOCATION and USER MEDIA.

    Tell me a simple way to post a picture and I will do it ASAP (tryed to cut and paste with no success )

    And Doc and Iennaert, thank you so much for the quick responses.

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  • Greetings.

    After installing the C2 new version (release 163 64bit, and I don't really know if this is truly the issue), whenever I try to insert a new object, the media AUDIO plugin icon just isn't there anymore.

    I have inserted sounds before in my project, and they still work, and I can import sounds without a fuss, but I just can't seem to find a way to insert new AUDIO objects.

    Anyone else has this problem or is this just a noob(a.k.a. me) forgeting some basic stuff?

    Thanks in advance

  • 5 posts