pez263's Forum Posts

  • I'm getting errors upon opening this file, could it have been made in a newer. older version? I'm pretty sure I have the newest release of classic.

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  • So I'm trying to use the list box object in my game, and I want to have whichever option chosen to change the value of a variable. Can anyone explain how I would set the events up for this, or are there any examples of this being done?

  • thankyou, this helps alot!

  • so I have four buttons on the second layout of my project set to all add a certain value to a variable, and then go to a different layout. The problem is that when I press any of these my application closes out rather than go to the layout.

  • So here are my two problems, I cannot get my enemy objects to stop when they come in contact with my wall objects, yet my player object does. and then I cant get construct to recognize the order of objects for some reason, making corpse objects appear on the top layer. Here is my cap file if you want to take a look at it. Thankyou for your consideration.

  • never mind, i found it somewhere, not sure where, but i found it, extracted it, and it worked perfectly

  • Where would i find the dependencies? are they part of python, or podsix? and once i have them, your saying extract them to the main scirra construct folder

  • I am try to use the podsix module in my application, but this message occurs

    immport error: DLL load fail: the specific module not found[/code:lq64wnna]
    i have the podsix libraries extracted in my python folder in the construct folder, both the multiplayer tutorial libraries and the standard podsix libraries, are they in the rig ht folder?
  • i was going to start with around 4, I know you cant get to high or your internet provider cuts you off

  • i guess the only good example of what im trying to do is an engine like eclipse or xtreme worlds, it had a server you opened that would load scripts and everything, and a client you would distribute, im trying to make a server program like that that will manage things within the game, like say reloading scripts or banning and managing players

  • hello, I am trying to make a server using construct, obviously not a literal server, but something to manage sockets if I made a game in blender that connected to my ip if that makes any sense, I dont know everything about servers, but i understand that a client will connect to an available server socket at said ip, I have worked out this so far...

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    I have a list to manage game server files and connected players under sockets, in addittion to ip and ping boxes. What I want,

    • to get the button labeled "Check ip" to check values entered in the ip and ping boxes
    • To get the start button to start, or listen I believe its called
    • To get the shut down button to stop listening
    • To get the retrieve sys button to retrieve files in a specified server or domain
    • For the sockets list to display connected ip's
    • To get the system files list to display system files retrieved

    What I have

    • Buttons (Yay)
    • A starting value of sockets set at 0

    I have this pod six net tutorial, but it is focused on construct games only, and I am trying to create a server only for a python based client to connect to, and I am unsure of what exactly I need from the tutorial, Im pretty sure I will need to use an append script for retrieving sockets and retrieving system files, but thats as far as I know

    If this project is really out of reach or impossible with construct then I understand, but any help is appreciated