pez263's Forum Posts

  • Arrays are something that has has always confused me, I understand the base of them, but I just can't grasp how to use them and with what. would they help with the order of the cards, how many of one card is in a deck (or more so how many the player can have drawn before the game will no longer allow the player to draw said card) I see a lot of people mention arrays when it comes to inventory systems, I just don't understand exactly why and what they do.

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  • Excellent thanks! I think that worked. Now my only problem is with overlapping, but I think that one way I can go about that would be rather to have a variable between 1 and 3 for cards and depending on what each 'card-in-hand spot' had would determine which card will be there.

  • Yeah, but at the same time I'm going to want to I prevent overlapping however I can.

  • They are all global variables, so I set them to be a random number up to 1.

  • I am try to create a system that will give the player a random set of cards when they press the 'deal' button. The properties of the cards has not been established yet, I'm figuring I will just assign variables to each card as far as their attributes, but when the player say played a card, that would decrease the number of cards in hand. Each turn the player will draw a random card, and if the player draws a card and has exceeded the set number of allowed cards, the player will be required to discard a card before the turn is played. Now I am simply at the point of having the 'deal' button that gives the player 3 random cards when pressed, my problem is that it always gives the same card, card number 1. My question is what am I doing wrong here? This is the layout of events so far. Now later when I have things working, aside from assigning properties to the cards, I will want the cards to fly on over from a deck into the hand, but that's an animation/physics question for later.

    (I know I don't have actual card graphics here yet, the primary purpose for this at this point is the have the functionality)

  • This worked! Now I'm running into the problem of overlapping tiles, as well as the maps being pretty tiny. Destroying on overlap destroys both tiles, resulting in the map being destroyed as a whole, so I'm guessing I need to check whether or not the image point is overlapping or something. I've set the variables up to 4, and now it creates a tile if the variable is greater than 1, but the maps are still coming out very small. Any tips as to how I can solve these issues?

  • Thanks for noticing that, I corrected it but it didn't seem to do anything.

  • I like this, it reminds me of an old gm5 game called rivendel tactics. Something I would say to add would be mouse camera movement to pan over the playing field. When it came to my second turn, the camera was all the way on the other side and I couldn't see my characters to make a move. Another thing would be the green and blue colors didn't seem to fit, I'd use some less saturated color gradients, but that's just an opinion. Overall this looks pretty solid :D

  • So I'm trying to make some events that will basically randomly generate more tiles from the four image points if a random variable is equal to two, the problem is that it isn't happening. This is my event sheet below

    <img src="" border="0" />

    After I get to the point of figuring out how to do this, my plan was to also have the tile ask if it is overlapping the bounds object, if so it would delete itself, would this be a problem in any way?

  • How do I go about adding that "Trigger once while true" condition?

  • So I have my program setup to play one of three sounds when a button is pressed, but the problem is that in preview mode, I can't hear the sounds. I've tried it at different volumes, but nothing. In bug mode I noticed that the cpu usage resets, so the button is doing something.

  • I don't plan on having the layout be expandable, but thanks for the heads up, I'll definitely keep that in mind.

  • So this is a project inspired by both progress quest, and early 3D rogue-likes. The concept is simple, you create a character, choose the name, class, and alignment and then proceed into the game screen. In the game screen you have all your stats, character image, inventory, save/ load buttons, zone screen, and actions. In the game you can only move "onwards" to a random zone that will have a one in four chance that an event will occur. Events will range from monster encounters, loot finds, random npc encounters, and whatever else I can come up with (or you). The game never ends, you can play on a single character as long as you want to. The game once complete will be released with the cap file allowing people to modify and add items or even make their own linear rogue-like. I can't quite say at this point if it will be anything like being able to just download a million custom weapons and put them in a folder or anything, but it will definitely be modifiable.





    To Do


    Fix Character Name input




    finished ui graphics

    <img src="" border="0" />


    So I got that working, but somewhere along the way my character name system got messed up and when you play and type in your name, the global variable doesn't change. This worked previously for some reason, I'm unsure as to why it stopped working.

  • So I'm working on a linear rogue-like, and for this I need the image in the center of the screen to change to one of 6 images every time the

    onward" button is pressed. I'm not quite sure how to roll dice with construct, so I'm assuming I will need to use python for this, but I'm not really sure how to go about doing that.

    The next thing is really more advice on how I should go about implementing items, turn based combat, and random events into the game. I want there to be like a 1 in 4 chance that an event will occur, such as a monster appearing, a merchant appearing, a chest appearing, ect. I have the game at a point where you can create a character and their stats will be displayed in the main screen.