perezbalen's Forum Posts

  • Hi

    I think we really need a "customize controls" thing. I don?t know if it should be a plugin, a tutorial, or what, but not all keyboards are arranged equal, and a player should be able to customize his/her interface easily.

    This kind of key binding should be so hard to do (for the gamemaker). And hardcoding a key to a motion should?t be the standard way to write Construct 2 games.

    I would like to be able to have a virtual left button, a virtual right, etc, and be able to bind them to the arrow key, the gamepad directions, a screen button, the l-mouse when it meets certain conditions, or whatever the user chooses. i think it would make games mores accessible, and coding more simple.

  • Hi

    I�m wondering if there�s a way to import a Layout into another Layout.

    Basically, I�m trying to do a random generated level. My approach is to build the parts of the level as smaller layouts, and then arrange them together in the layout the player will play.


  • thanks. gonna try it.

    BTW, what does "

    ? 1 : 0 = 1

    " do?

  • Hi

    I�m having problems playing the moving animation, because I can�t detect accurately when the enemy object is moving.

    I do this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    but what I get is that sometimes the object plays the walk animation, without moving. i�m guessing it�s when the object is moving along the path, but moving very, very slowly.

    But when the object is moving along path, the 8way behavior don't register movement.

    Is there a way to know absolutely if an object is moving regardless of which behavior is making the movement?

    or the speed?

  • how do I use parenting?

  • Hi

    I?m scratching my head with this one, as it shroud be very easy, yet I can?t find anything on the tutorials or forums.

    I use a red box as an enemy, and I have plenty. Yet I want the box to be invisible, and attach an animated spite to it (using the Pin behavior).

    So, I do:

    EnemuBox On Create -> EnemyBox Spawn EnemySprite

                       -> EnemySprite Pin to EnemyBox

                       -> EnemySprite Set Position to Enemy Box

    EnemyBox is Moving    -> EnemySprite Set Animation to "WalkingAnimation"

    The thing is that all my enemies are acting like choreographed dancers. When one plays the wlakingAnimation, all do. And I can?t figure a simple way to encapsulate the Box and the sprite animation.


  • Every tick

    for each ZOrder (sort by Y ascending)

    .. ZOrder move to bottom of layer

    This can (and should) be optimized a bit if there are lots of objects.

    Thanks. This did the trick. So far is really slow (it hangs), but I?m gonna tweak it for a while and see why is that, and how can I fix it.

  • Well, I�m trying to do this. In one moment of the game, the enemy is a few pixels higher than the player. In another, the enemy is a few pixels below. But in both cases they overlap a bit.

    If the z order is not correct, the illusion that one is behind the other is broken.

  • Hi

    I'm doing an isometric game, and am having trouble with z order. Basically what I need is for the z order to be determined by the y position on screen, so that objects overlap correctly.

    In essence:

    Every tick, every object get a z-order equal to its Y coordinate (since y increases downwards).

    Any idea how to implement something like this?


  • Hi

    I�m experimenting with the pathfinder behavior, and have found it can cripple the CPU. I�m doing an RTS, and as soon as the unit number gets slightly high (around 20) the frame-rate drops to it's knees.

    My guess is I'm not using it efficiently, but I have not found examples of tutorials on how to use it well; how to use it so that it doesn't melt the CPU.

    Any thoughts?

  • But would?t this mean that I have to have a family with ALL the solid objects in the game? and could I then use the family feature to create another family with the monsters, but not the walls?

  • Thanks

    Thought about the OR chain, and found it very complicated. On a large project could become unmanageable really fast. The families, i think have the same problem.

    It?s odd because it has a flag to bounce off solids, so it clearly can react to every solid in the game.

    BTW, I added a 8-way behavior to the bullet, and there?s something interesting there.

  • Hi

    When a bullet hits a player, I want to know which instance of the enemy shot it (so I can increase it�s experince, or something). How can I do that?


  • Hi

    I`m trying to have a bullet be destroyed if it hits any solid object. If it hits a wall, the celling, the floor, the player, etc; since I have lots of sprites that build the stage.

    So far, the Overlaping events need to choose a particular object to do something, and I don�t want to do the same thing for n different objects.

    Is there a way to have the bullet trigger an action when it hits anything solid?


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  • Thanks. But when you say:

    Actually, in general I would recommend you do not make actions which call other actions directly; they should both just call a common function.

    how should I write the common function?

    <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">instanceProto.constructorFunction = function (param1,param2)</font>


    <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">function constructorFunction (param1,param2)</font>

    or something different (I?m having a lot of trouble figuring this thins out)