pequepanda's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • You could have another object, which is an invisible sprite and has its own collision box. This will be called CriticalHitBox.

    Then you can add a few ImagePoints on your Boss sprite, and when you need to define the place of the hitbox, you can do:

    Boss > Spawn another object (CriticalHitBox) on Imagepoint choose(1,2,3,...,n).

    This will make a random selection between the Imagepoints you predefined.

    Gah, I kinda suck at explaining...

    Edit: I forgot to say that you'd have to Pin the object to the Boss, as the person above said.

  • Call 'Regenerate obstacle map' on start of layout.

    Thanks so much, you saved me!

  • I took a look at your file. Is there a reason your backgrounds have collisions enabled? This appears to be what is stopping the character. An object with collisions enabled is considered an obstacle when path finding. I set collisions to disabled on both the number 1 sprite and the number 2 sprite and the character traversed the entire width of the area just fine.

    I guess my example wasn't exactly the same as the real problem >< The thing is, in the real game I'm using TiledBackground elements instead of sprites at the background, and it seems TB's don't have the "collissions enabled" property. Also, I think I forgot to mention, if I visit the bigger layout *before* visiting the smaller one, the problem doesn't seem to appear (which is no good, because I need to visit the earlier stages first). :c

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  • Hello, I have the following problem: I start with a character which moves with the Pathfinding Behavior, on a layout of width X. Then, I transition to another layout of width 2X. In this layout, I cannot move out of the "original" borders of the first layout. Does anyone know why this happens, and how can I fix this?

    Since I'm not good at explaining (and English isn't my first language), I simulated the problem on a small .capx so you can see for yourself. Thanks in advance!

    Edit: I forgot to delete line 3 of the event sheet. I put it to see if the problem was that pathfinder couldn't find a path. You can delete if you want.

  • 4 posts